Arc: God's Awakening-Chapter 5:The Creator's Slumber

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Third person POV

Rimuru walked towards his younger siblings solemnly who were fighting over the last slice of(Rimuru's) birthday cake in the kitchen. "It's mine, I made it!" Vell yelled holding a plate with sky-blue frosting "So?! I called dibs!" Velzard yelled back "Vell split the slice in half." Rimuru commanded "Bu-" Vell tried to protest but was interrupted by Rimuru "Split the slice in half. It's my cake after all." Rimuru said smiling. "O-ok" Vell complied reluctantly, he put it on the counter grabbed a knife out of a drawer, and cut it in half,  "Get a plate," Vell told Velzard, she quickly opened a cabinet pulling out a pure silver plate. Vell then transferred one half of the cake over to the other. Rimuru was currently sitting down at the table waiting. When the duo walked in.

When they sat down Rimuru began speaking in a saddened tone verging on the edge of tears "I-I'm gonna leave you for a... a long, long time." Velzard and Vell immediately stopped eating and looked at Rimuru in disbelief. "W-what d-d-do y-you me-mean?" Vell said tearing. up along with Velzard. "I mean e-exactly what I s-said. I'm gonna leave for a few... thousand years." Rimuru said while tears rolled down his cheeks. Vell was just staring at Rimuru while silently crying with a blank expression. Velzard on the other hand had gotten up and ran to Rimuru and hugged him sobbing repeatedly saying things like "Please don't go!". Rimuru patted Velzard's head, looking towards Vell, and said"Vell. No, Veldanava Tempest by my name Rimuru Tempest I leave this world, this universe in your hands. Please protect it." In an extremely serious tone. "Yes, I'll protect it even if it costs me my life." Veldanava answered "Thank you. And goodbye." Rimuru stated. He immediately teleported to the end of time and space or the 'void'. 'Ciel, put me in sleep mode please.' Rimuru asked his trusted partner 《Affirmative, activating sleep mode.》

Rimuru's POV

I felt my eyes closed, and in just a moment I was standing on a black body of liquid that was completely solid. Screens(like tv's) played my memories in the background the sounds echoing in the abyss. I began walking in a random direction seeing more and more memories until they just stopped altogether. In the distance I saw something, no someone when I reached them they were skewered with spikes like they were a pin cushion while also being locked in chains, their aura was oddly familiar. "Can you help me out of these things?" The unfamiliar person asked, I jumped in surprise "Uhh, sure..." and I began releasing them from their bonds. "Thanks a ton! By the way, my name is Null." He told me "You're welcome. My name is Rimuru nice to meet you.." I responded, "Why and how exactly were you chained up?" I asked "I don't know myself, it just happened. I think when my aura mixes with someone else's. Can we try it?"(he's a good liar) Null counter-questioned "Sure." I answered "Ok, 3, 2, 1!" I expanded my aura in that instant, and I felt as my body flew towards his and... we fused? I don't know exactly but... I feel different. I checked my body seeing my clothes changed into a monochrome tuxedo, I also had purple-black hair. I still had my aura released, so I concealed it and my clothes and hair changed back to normal... weird...

The End... For This Chapter...

 For This Chapter

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Meme Friday. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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