Arc: God's Awakening-Chapter 6:The Creator's Awakening

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At that moment I woke up from my slumber. 《Good morning master!》 My partner greeted 'Morning Ciel... can I get a glass of warm milk?' I asked not exactly meaning it《No. I will never grant such a request.》She stated sternly. ' I know. Well, it's been a nice... fifty thousand years.' 《Incorrect, a hundred and forty-six octadecillion years.》 'Holy crap!? You said it would take about fifty thousand!' 《Originally yes, but your power spiked exponentially during the first ten thousand years. Causing it to take exponentially longer.》"Ok... let me take a guess, the universe is gone." I ask sarcastically 《Correct.》 'Oh yeah, I want to know why did my power explode like that?" 《It was strange indeed. But from what I was able to confirm, your soul was completed. In a term you can understand your soul would be like a puzzle piece that grew to complete the puzzle, but suddenly another half of the puzzle came in and filled the rest. But due to area, the piece you had grew the other piece overflowed.》 'Interesting... so basically my soul grew to fill the part of it that was missing, but that part came and overflowed because of the growth.' I affirm《Affirmative.》 I waited about five seconds and went to ask 'You gonna-' before I could finish Ciel interrupted《I'm on it. How long after do you want》 'Five thousand.' I answered 《Ok. Ready?》She confirmed 'Yeah.' I stated confidently.

I felt a warping sensation at that moment and watched as nothing happened, what did you expect? I'm in the void nothing exists so nothing can change. I appeared in front of my home which hadn't changed much. I smiled slightly and released a small amount of my aura but a black goo-like aura covered my body. When it dispersed I was wearing the same monochrome tuxedo with the almost black-purple hair.

Velzard POV...

I was on the frozen continent drinking tea with Guy Crimson. Suddenly, I felt an aura unbelievably overpowering. I quickly look at Guy and nod. We both fly out to the source as quickly as we can, I sense that Velgrynd also is flying there as fast as she can. In about a minute I arrived at my brother's house to see a tall, dark-haired girl in a monochrome tuxedo. "who are you." I say coldly. They turn around "Well hello to you too, but what's with the cold greeting?" I grit my teeth "You shouldn't be here." they appear a bit confused "I can't be at my own home?" I look at him annoyed "This is the house that belonged to my brother, not yours." The person chuckles "Oh I guess you don't recognize me in this form do you?" a thick black goo surrounds them as they seal their aura, when the goo subsides a tall, blue-haired women in a black and gold outfit is revealed. Unconsciously tears form in my eyes, "B-bro-brother is t-that you?" he smiles softly "Who else looks like this?" I stumble over to him, pulling my brother into an embrace. Though brief, he hugs back. "You've gotten a lot bigger since we last met, though you're still tiny." he says playfully "After five thousand years the first thing you say to me is that I'm tiny?" I say irritated "Yup." He replies with a small laugh. "You're insufferable." I say still slightly irritated.

I looks over to Velgrynd and ask "Who's this?" Intrigued Velgrynd looks at me and I nod. She takes a deep breath and says "I am Velgrynd, the Scorch Dragon." She says unsure "Interesting, well I'm Rimuru the Void Dragon." Both Guy and Velgrynd's faces become ghostly pale as they freeze up. Then, he looks at Guy "Oh, hey Rogue. Nice job on awakening as a true demon lord." Guy tries to find words as sweat drips down his face "T-thanks sir." Rimuru simply chuckles and says "Stop with the formalities, treat me like an equal." Guy facepalms and says "Every time I've talked to you I get a major migraine." Rimuru shrugs and states "Makes sense.".

A few seconds of awkward silence later he looks at me and asks "Where's Veldenava?" A shiver runs down my spine as I attempt to say something but my mouth feels like a desert, I look down and eventually, I mumble out the words "H-he's dead..." I look back at him to see his eyes wide, a mix of anger and sorrow crosses his face as his aura expands pushing me to the ground...

Sorry for the late chapter, I had personal problems. Hope you enjoyed it!

Rimuru the Void Dragon(re-write)Where stories live. Discover now