Chapter Eight: Can You Forgive Your Foolish Father?

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[East Creek High School]

"How far is your lie going to go? My daddy was called to the GDF because of your lie." Wendy asks as she stops Leilani in the hall.

"It's not a lie." Leilani explains.

"Of course it is! There is absolutely no way that you went to space." Wendy states.

"I did go to space and I did meet International Rescue!" Leilani exclaims. Wendy backhands her and Leilani screams as she falls over into the lockers.

"Look at you... Lying again!" Wendy snaps and grabs Leilani's hair and jerks her up, "So what if you really did go to space? You're a worthless little nobody while I am the Queen of the school. When you're gone, there will be no one to be here to challenge my beauty."

"Gone? And where am I going?" Leilani breathes out trying to get free.

"I'll show you where you're going." Wendy states and drags Leilani down to the janitor's room in the basement. She handcuffed Leilani to a pipe and she looked at Leilani.

"What are you?" Leilani asks, trying to get free.

"You are nothing, do you understand? A bug to be squashed." Wendy states, "After today, no one will ever remember you. Not even your parents." Wendy shuts and locks the door before she walks over and lights a match and drops it into the pile of trash that would be taken out at the end of the day, as per usual.

"And like all witches, you're going to burn." Wendy states and laughs before she walks away to get back to class before the fire gets worse.

[Meanwhile - The Cafe]

"We need to get to the school." Alan replies.

"What can we do, Alan?" Scott asks.

"Take her home!" Alan states, "I'm not letting the girl I love get treated like that for another second!" Scott and Franklin both stare at Alan in shock. Franklin looks at Alan and he gets a gentle look in his eyes.

"Alan, I know you're both young, but will you promise me something?" Franklin asks.

"What is it?" Alan asks.

"Will you promise to protect her for the rest of your lives?" Franklin asks.

"What? Of course." Alan replies.

"What are you..." Scott asks.

"I know that look. I saw it from the moment that Jeff met your mother." Franklin explains, "I had that exact look when I met Denise." Alan's eyes widened.

"Sometimes you meet your soulmate, late in life. Sometimes you meet them early. The love I can see you have for Leilani is the same that your father had for your mother." Franklin explains.

"That Dad had for mom?" Alan asks.

"It's going to last forever. Regardless of what happens." Franklin explains, "So protect her, love her and make her the happiest woman in the world one day."

"I will." Alan promises, "Can we go rescue Leilani now?" The International Symbol flickers with a beeping sound.

"Scott." John states.

"What is it, John?" Scott asks.

"I wanted to let you know because you're closer and because of Alan." John explains, "East Creek High is engulfed in flames."

"What?" Scott asks.

"Leilani!" Alan exclaims.

"Teachers are evacuating students. It's become too much for the firefighters. I've deployed Thunderbird Two." John explains.

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