Chapter 7

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I think I've figured out a good replacement for the page breaks. We'll see how it works for the future chapter





"Someone get her out!"

"Lucia, grab on!"


"I'm going in!"

"What!? What are you doing!?"

"I'm saving my sister!"


Lucia's eyes flicked open again when she felt someone holding her tightly by her waist, forcing what was left in her lungs to disappear. She was still deep under the water, but she was slowly being carried up to the surface. She slowly looked over at who was carrying her, but all she saw was short brown hair and a young, darker skin toned face with brown eyes. She didn't get another look before everything went dark once again.




"Come on, wake up!"

"She- she's not breathing!"

"Do either of you know healing spells!?"


"Come on, Sis! Don't you dare die!"


Lucia coughed up water out of her lungs before her eyes flew open. She rolled over onto her side and pushed herself up as she coughed out the remaining water before she puked onto the large patch of grass she was lying in. She collapsed back onto the ground on her side before someone pushed her onto her back. She gasped for air as she placed her left hand on her chest while her right arm sprawled out to the side.

Lucia closed her eyes as she continued to gasp for air. She felt someone rummage around her pockets before they pulled back and lifted her head up. Shortly after, they put something soaking wet over her head before gently laying it back down, though not like it mattered since she was already soaking wet anyway. It was also at that moment she realized her vest had been torn off

Lucia could hear someone shuffle around in the grass next to her before she heard something tear. Before she could tell what was happening, she felt the person next to her wrapping up the bullet wound from earlier. She hadn't felt the sting of the wound until the fabric chaffed it as the other person wrapped it up. It was a tight wrapping, but not too tight for her to lose circulation.

Lucia slowly opened her eyes again and began to sit up, but a voice stopped her. "Just lie still. You're going to need to take some time to recover."

Lucia just sighed before she coughed slightly. She opened her eyes and saw Five-Five-One-Three kneeling over her. His gaze was drifting down towards the rocks, but he was treating Lucia's knee. He had gently placed his hands over the dislocated kneecap before he said, "You may want to bite your tongue. This might hurt."

Lucia didn't even have a chance to do anything before she felt him shove her kneecap back into place. She cried out in pain before she felt a hand cover her mouth to quiet her down. She reached up to pull the hand away from her mouth, but Five-Five-One-Three leaned in close and whispered, "They're searching for us. Just stay still and don't make a sound."

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