Chapter 10

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Two things. One, this chapter isn't even focused on Lucia's time in the facility. And two, it's by far my most favorite chapter and I've been way too excited to post it today


Amelia stood there and listened to her mother berate her for the hundredth time that evening. Her arms were crossed over her chest while she had her fists clenched and her mouth clamped shut, though very clearly keeping it clenched out of pure anger. She wasn't even meeting her mother's gaze. The abominations surrounding the home, cleaning and organizing shelves, table tops, and pictures, were caught in the middle of the one sided argument as well, being tossed around by Odalia whenever they got in her way. But the only reason Amelia wasn't fighting back was because she knew she would be punished if she didn't let her mother finish what she had to say.

Odalia stared Amelia down as she shouted, "You're failing all of your classes! You have been failing everything for so long that I can't even remember the last time I was proud! We are Blights! The best of the best, no matter what! So go back to that school of yours tomorrow and fix your mistakes and your life!"

Amelia just turned around and began to walk to her room without a word. She continued to listen to her mother, muttering something underneath her breath. Yet one simple phrase caught her ears. "Stupid humans. Good for nothing but trouble."

Amelia's mind immediately snapped. She froze where she was. Her entire body was seething in pure anger and pain since she knew who her mother was talking about. She fought back against lashing out and hitting her own mother, and instead said through gritted teeth, "Her name is Lucia."

Odalia froze for a moment before she turned to her eldest daughter and asked, "What?"

Amelia turned around and stared at her mother dead in the eyes. Her eyes were already glowing and tears were welling up. Soon, her hands began to glow a soft purple as the abominations in the room began to bubble slightly, but got progressively worse and worse as she fought back. "I said, her name is Lucia!" she shouted, repeating what she had said before. "And if you had any sympathy, then you would know that I have been suffering for SO LONG! The last time I saw her was THREE DAYS before she went missing! ANDTHE LAST TIME ANYONE HEARD ANYTHING WAS WHEN SHE WAS PRONOUNCED DEAD!"

Just as Amelia finished screaming, all of the abominations in the room exploded. The slime drenched everything except for the one who had controlled them into doing so. Odalia was horrified by the slime sticking to her clothes, walls, and furniture. She just gasped in horror and began to try and peel the slime away from herself, but it was to no avail. She looked back at her daughter before she shouted back, "Go to your room THIS INSTANT young lady!"

Amelia glared with a hatred that could have burnt through her mother's skull if such a thing existed. She shoved past her mother and growled, "No. I am not going to stay in a home where I'm not welcome for who I am or what I chose to do with my life."

Odalia grabbed Amelia's arm as she felt her daughter walk past, dragging her back a little bit. Amelia ripped her arm free, smacking her mother across the face in the process with the back of her hand as she shouted, "And stay off of me! You're a TERRIBLE mother! And if I had any say in your life, I would have killed you YEARS AGO!" She gave Odalia one last look of pure hatred before she stormed out of the house without another thought.

Odalia just watched Amelia walk out of the house. She was gently pressing her hand to where she had been hit, but just continued to watch her daughter with a look of disappointment. She turned around and lowered her hand to the ground after a moment and muttered under her breath, "And you're a terrible excuse of a daughter for a Blight. You should be grateful I'm not one to kill, because if I was, then things would have been very different back when that human was around."

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