Chapter 4

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As the psychology lecturer droned on about Freudian theories, Yara found herself struggling to stay focused. She absentmindedly kept scribbling on her notebook with a pen, gazing out the window.

Her friend, Yasmin, sitting next to her, noticed her boredom and leaned in, whispering, "Yara, look here"

Yasmin pointed at a drawing on her book, as Yara saw the doodles sprawled across the notebook, she erupted into uncontrollable laughter. Yasmin had sketched a hilarious image of their stern-faced lecturer, complete with oversized glasses and a comically large nose. There was also a note beside the drawing that said, "I'm Mr.Sayyed, Do I look funny?"

Their giggles echoed through the lecture hall, drawing the attention of the entire class. Just as they tried to stifle their laughter, the lecturer, Professor Sayyed, shot a disapproving glance in their direction. "Is there something amusing happening back there?" he inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Caught off guard, Yara and Yasmin exchanged guilty glances. "Uh, no, Professor. Just reviewing our notes," Yara managed to say with a forced smile, trying to conceal the mischievous drawing.

But it was too late. Professor Sayyed walked over to their desk, snatched the notebook, and discovered the cartoonish portrayal. The entire class fell silent as he raised an eyebrow and looked at the drawing. The room teetered on the edge of laughter and tension.

After a moment, the stern facade of the professor softened, and he couldn't help but crack a small smile. "Well, I must say, I never thought my lectures could be so entertaining," he remarked, handing the notebook back to a now-relieved Yara and Yasmin. "But let's keep the artistic critiques for after class, shall we?"

The class burst into laughter, and even the professor couldn't resist a chuckle as he resumed the lecture, leaving Yara and Yasmin red-faced but relieved that the situation had lightened up.


The college canteen buzzed with hungry students trying to fill their plates as faster as possible. Yara and Yasmin hurried towards the queue as it was already too long. After five minutes of waiting they were finally able to get their food and walked towards the table that was at the corner of the canteen.

Yara, swirled the noodles with her fork as Yasmin began a conversation, "Yara, you won't believe what happened yesterday. I've been waiting to tell you this"

"Yes, tell me what's so exciting?" Yara asked.

"Do you remember Isa?"

"Isa? Is he the one from our masjid newsletter team?" Yara questioned.

"Yess! Yess!", Yasmin squealed.

"So what happened? Did he propose to you?", Yara asked excitedly.

"Not really, he came home last night after Isha prayers along with dad and you won't believe my dad asked his hand in marriage for me"

Yara said, eyes widening: "No way! Did your dad really do that?"

Yasmin grinned, "Yes, he did"

"What was Isa's reply? Did he accept the proposal?" Yara asked curiously.

"Well, he said that he needs time to think about it. I just hope it's going to be a positive reply", Yasmin said thoughtfully.

"In Sha Allah, It's going to be in the favour of you, don't worry. Don't forget to keep praying because you can't get anything without the help of Allah"

"Yes, Yara. I am praying but I am just nervous at the same time. In Sha Allah, everything is going to be okay" Yasmin said assuring herself.

They continued their lunch with lovely conversations and heartfelt laughter. Soon they finished their meal and walked towards their next class.
Another boring class!

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