Chapter 5

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Yara's head throbbed with pain as she struggled to sit up. As she slowly regained consciousness, the dim light revealed a small, dingy room with concrete walls. Panic set in as memories of the abduction flooded back. She was on the floor and her hands were tied to a nearby pillar. The surroundings hinted at the severity of the situation.

The distant sounds of hushed conversations and footsteps permeated the air, creating an atmosphere of clandestine activity. She squinted, trying to make sense of her surroundings, suddenly, the creak of a door echoed, revealing a formidable man in a finely tailored suit.

It was Dawood Haider Khan, the most powerful and ruthless mafia of 'Blazing Eagles'.

"So, you're finally awake," he remarked coldly, walking towards her.

Fear gripped her, but she mustered the courage to speak. "Let me go home"

Dawood paced the room, his polished shoes echoing against the cold floor. His cold gaze bore into her, and a wry smile played on his lips, "You see, sweetheart, you're part of a deal now. You're going to marry me, and you better cooperate if you value your family's safety."

Her eyes narrowed with shock, a mixture of anger and fear in her voice. "Deal? What deal are you talking about?"

"Your so called Papa's deal. He sold you for money", He smirked.

"You... are .... lying!", she stammered, her voice shaky.

"Ohh sweetheart, didn't you hear what you dad said when you were at home?" He smirked, "Should I remind you his exact words?"

"No", she stuttered.

The cold floor sent shivers through her body as she sat huddled, tears streaming down her face.

He leaned below and untied her hands that were tied to the pillar.

"Yara! Stand up!", He said looking at her, his voice soft unlike other times.

"I want to go home", she said in-between her sobs.

"Home? Forget that place, you aren't going back", He said sternly patiently waiting for her to stand up from the floor.

"Noo... I hate this place, I want to go home"

"Cut this crap and stand up! Now!", He spoke his voice louder than before.
He was losing his patience with this girl.

Yara choked on her sobs, fear rising within her.

"Please, I just want to go home."

Dawood's anger erupted like a storm as he grabbed Yara's arm, yanking her forcefully from the floor. The room quivered with tension, and Yara gasped as she stumbled to her feet, her eyes wide with fear.

Dawood spoke seething, "You think you can just sit there crying and ignore my order?"

Dawood's strong grip at her arm caused pain. Yara winced, trying to steady herself against his overpowering force.

"I... I didn't mean to—", she said trembling.

Dawood cut her off, "I don't want excuses. You'll learn to obey if I do things in my way."

He towered over her, a menacing figure demanding submission. Yara, visibly shaken, struggled to maintain composure.

"Stand up straight! You're in my place now, and you play by my rules.", He spoke, his voice held anger and annoyance.

He released her arm with a forceful shove, causing her to stumble backward.

"You'll regret every moment you decide to disobey me."

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