Chapter 6

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The room was suffused with an oppressive stillness, broken only by the stifled cries of Yara. Her delicate frame curled up on the floor, tears tracing a painful path down her cheeks as she succumbed to a restless sleep.

Suddenly, the creaking of the door broke the uneasy silence. An old lady, with weathered lines etched onto her face, entered carrying a tray with a full meal. She approached Yara with cautious steps, her eyes filled with a mix of empathy and sorrow.

The old Lady whispered, "Wake up, child. I brought you something to eat."

Yara stirred, her eyes fluttering open with a mixture of confusion and fear.  The old lady approached her with deliberate steps, her gaze softening as she assessed Yara's fear.

Yara questioned with fear, "Who are you?"

The old lady spoke silently, "Hush, my dear. You're in a difficult situation, but I'm here to help in whatever way I can. Eat first; you need your strength."

The old lady handed Yara the tray, containing a small portion of rice, fried chicken and a simple soup. Yara hesitated due to fear and politely refused the food.

The old lady slowly sat on the floor beside Yara, her smile never leaving her lips. Yara felt a sense of comfort in her presence.

"My dear, I am no harm to you. I am here to take care of you.", said the old lady placing the tray on the floor in front of Yara.

"I want to go home. Will you help me?", Yara asked sobbing.

"I am sorry, dear. I can't help you in this.", the old lady said, her voice held sadness and pity towards Yara.

"Please...", she cried harder.

The old lady sighed, "I've seen too much pain in my life, child. Sometimes, you have to choose to be patient even in the darkest of times. You're not alone in this, dear. I'll be here with you"

Her kind words comforted Yara even though it wasn't enough to heal her shattered heart.

"Dear, I know hunger is far off for you at the moment but please try to finish your food or I'll fall into trouble"

Yara, still trembling, started to eat in silence. The old lady sat beside her, offering a comforting presence.

"How can I escape from here?", Yara questioned taking a spoon full of rice from her plate.

"Escaping may not be easy, but you musn't lose hope. Gather your strength, stay vigilant, and when the time is right, you'll find a way.", said the old lady giving comfort and strength.

As Yara finished her meal, a glimmer of hope replaced the fear in her eyes. The old lady patted her shoulder gently before leaving the room, the door creaking shut behind her, leaving Yara with a newfound sense of hope amidst the shadows of despair.


In the dimly lit room, Yara sat huddled in the corner, the floor too cold for her liking.

"Why is this happening to me? I just want to go home.", she kept whispering to herself, tears freely flowing down her cheeks. She made no attempt to wipe them away.

Her trembling hands clutched the edges of her dress as she cried, "Please, someone, help me."

Her cries echoed in the silent room, unheard by anyone who could offer her help.

She clutched her dress tightly as tears flowed, "Please, help me", she screamed.

Suddenly the door creaked open, Startled, Yara looked up at the door, revealing Dawood Haider Khan and the old lady who had brought her food earlier. Both, fear and hope rose within her heart.

Dawood slowly walked towards a trembling Yara whose face was stained with painful tears, besides him the old lady walked, fear and worry etched on her face.

Yara immediately stood up from the floor, the memories of the last time rushing into her head. The hurtful words and his harsh grip haunted her enough to stand up before he even ordered her to.

Dawood stood face to face in front of Yara, his eyes locked on her pale face that expressed fear.

"Can I go home please?", Yara asked, her eyes held a hint of hope.

Dawood averted his gaze and walked towards the small window that was to the left of the tiny room.

He smirked and replied, "You can"

Shock etched on Yara's face, a sense of relief rushing in her heart.

The old lady looked at Dawood in shock,
'Is he for real?', thought the old lady.

"You are going home, Yara. I am sure you will love your NEW home", He emphasized on the word 'new' as he spoke, the smirk not leaving his lips.

"New home?", Questioned Yara, tensed.

"Yes, my beautiful bride.", Dawood winked at her and walked towards the door.

"Safiya Ma, the nikkah will take place in two hours, get her ready", He nodded at the old lady and walked out the door leaving Yara and the old lady alone.

Yara's eyes widen in shock, her mind struggling to comprehend the situation.

"Nikkah?... No...", Yara stammered, tears freely flowing down her cheeks.

Safiya placed a comforting hand on Yara's shoulder and spoke, "Dawood has taken a liking to you, my dear. He wants to get married to you. He won't harm you"

Yara looked at her in disbelief, "He likes me?"

"Yes my dear, he does. He told me himself. I trust him, he will surely not harm you"

"Noo... N-nooo...He is lying.... He is lying...", Yara stammered, her voice trembling.

"Dear, please come with me. We need to get you dressed soon or we'll fall into trouble", Safiya said holding a trembling Yara.

"You can't force me to marry him!", cried Yara, her voice quivering, "He is ruthless and dangerous, I hate him. I can't marry him"

"I am sorry, dear. You have no choice. You should know that your family's life is at risk. If you don't marry him, I am sure he's going to do something bad to them.. I've known him for years, he'll get really angry if he doesn't get what he wants therefore it's best that you cooperate. I'll find a way to send you home but for now would you please come with me?", Safiya tried to convince her, holding Yara by the shoulders.

Safiya squeezed yara's hands gently, "I know this is a lot to take in, my dear, but you're not alone. I'll be here to help you in every step. Just trust me"

Yara continuously shook her head indicating a 'No' but as she realized she had no other option she slowly started walking along with Safiya who was holding her trembling body.

'Why is my fate so cruel?', Yara thought as she walked away to an unknown room to get dressed for her big day that was never meant to be this way.

Sometimes life is very unpredictable!


Hiii / Assalamu Alaikum
I hope all of you are doing good ❤️

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-Nuska Nisthar 🌼

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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