Chapter 3

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In the soft glow of her desk lamp, Yara immersed herself in her psychology textbooks, the rhythmic scratch of her pen against paper filling the room. The silence was only interrupted by the occasional rustle of pages or the distant hum of the city outside her window.

She had her final exams next week and with that she would officially become a degree holder.
Three years of hard work and sleepless nights would finally come to an end. 

As she delved deeper into her studies, an unexplainable restlessness began to creep over her. The air in the room seemed to thicken, and an inexplicable chill ran down her spine. She glanced around, sensing an eerie stillness that belied the usual comfort of her room.

The ticking clock on the wall echoed louder in her ears, each second stretching longer than the last. Yara's focus wavered, her eyes darting to the window as if expecting to find answers in the darkness beyond. The once-familiar surroundings now felt unfamiliar, and a sense of foreboding weighed heavy on her shoulders.

She shook off the unease, attributing it to stress or fatigue. Yet, as she returned to her books, a subtle paranoia settled in.

Yara's fingers hesitated over the textbook, her unease growing. She glanced at her phone debating whether to call her best friend or not, she then picked up her phone, fingers trembling as she dialed Yasmin's number.

"Assalamu Alaikum, Yara!", Yasmin's cheerful voice echoed through the phone.

"Walaikum salam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu", Yara replied.

"What's up? You got any doubts?", Yasmin asked.


"Oh, come on, Yara! Just ask your doubts, you know how smart I am. I am the topper", Yasmin joked.

"Haha... only in your dreams darling"

"You are just too egocentric, Yara!"

"Very funny but I am in no mood to laugh"

"Jokes apart, tell me what's wrong?", Yasmin questioned sensing Yara's mood off.

"I don't know, something just feels off," Yara confessed, her words hesitant.

"Off? Like, with your studies or...?"

"No, it's not that. It's like this weird feeling, like something bad is about to happen," Yara explained, her voice filled with uncertainty.

"Oh, come on, Yara. You're probably just stressed. Take a break, grab a snack or something," Yasmin suggested.

Yara sighed, attempting to brush off her apprehension. "Yeah, maybe you're right. I'll try that."

"I love you, my bestie. Just be okay, I'll meet you tomorrow" Yasmin said trying to comfort her.

"Love you too, see you tomorrow. Allah Hafiz"

"Allah Hafiz", replied Yasmin and as she hung up, the unease persisted. Yara paced the room, her anxiety mounting with each passing moment.

She opened her window, hoping the cool night air would alleviate the tension. A sudden gust of wind sent papers flying across her desk. Startled, Yara muttered to herself, "Just a storm, probably. Just a storm."

Yara's phone buzzed with a notification, and she hesitated before checking it. A message from Aleena..
It read,
Aleena- "Hey! Are you okay?"

Her heart raced, and she replied, "Why would you ask this all of a sudden?"

Her phone buzzed again with Aleena's message,
Aleena- "I just felt like asking, I don't know why."

"I don't know. It just feels like something bad is about to happen, and I can't shake this feeling," Yara typed on her phone but she contemplated whether to send or not.
She deleted the entire message and retyped, "Yes, I am perfectly alright", and clicked send.

I don't want her to get worried, Yara thought.

Aleena - Alright, Love you ❤️ Allah Hafiz. Yara read the message and replied with a love you and Allah Hafiz and locked her phone.

She placed her phone on the desk and walked towards the window. As she stared out into the night, the storm clouds gathered overhead, casting an ominous shadow on her room.

Yara's instincts screamed, warning her of an impending storm – not just of weather, but of something far more profound. The air crackled with tension, leaving her suspended in a moment of anticipation, waiting for the inevitable cascade of events that would shatter her.


Dawood sat behind his luxurious desk, shuffling through stacks of papers under the dim glow of a vintage lamp. The soft murmur of city traffic seeped through the closed blinds, creating a hushed ambiance. The air was thick with the scent of cigar smoke as Dawood meticulously reviewed the details of the upcoming operation.

The door burst open, startling Dawood. Ali, his best friend for as long as he could remember, stormed in with an intensity that filled the room. The door slammed against the wall, leaving an echo. Dawood raised an eyebrow, looking up from his papers.

"What the hell, Ali?", Dawood's voice carried a mix of anger and frustration.

"Why am I not a part in Fayyad's case" Ali questioned without giving Dawood a reply.

Dawood leaned back in his leather chair, unfazed by Ali's entrance. He took a slow drag from his cigar, exhaling a cloud of smoke before responding, "Take a seat, Ali. We'll talk."

"I don't want to sit, Dawood. I want answers." Ali paced in front of the desk, his eyes narrowing at Dawood. "You and me, we're supposed to be tight. Brothers. And now Rehan's acting like he's the boss's favorite brother!"

"Ooh, I see what's wrong here. You are jealous, Aren't you?", Dawood smirked.

"Jealous? Seriously? Why should I be jealous?"

"Haha... I know you are."

"Cut this crap and tell me why? Don't you trust me now?", Ali asked taking a seat Infront of Dawood.

Dawood maintained his calm demeanor. "Ali, it's not personal. The situation is delicate. I needed someone reliable, someone who can be stern. Rehan is perfect for this."

Ali scoffed, his frustration mounting. "Perfect? I've been with you through thick and thin. I'd take a bullet for you, Dawood. And you think Rehan's more perfect than me?"

Dawood sighed, tapping the ash off his cigar. "Ali, it's not what you think. Rehan doesn't have personal connections to anyone. If you go there you wouldn't do what I ask you to do. You will feel sorry for them. You are just not fit for this, Ali."

Dawood locked eyes with Ali, the weight of the unspoken conversation hanging in the air. "Not fit? Yeah, I understand now.."

Dawood stubbed out his cigar and rose from his chair. He walked towards Ali and placed his hand on Ali's shoulder, "Ali, I am sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that."

Ali pushed Dawood's hand away from his shoulders and stood up from his chair, "You know what, just stop reminding me that I am not fit for anything. My parents reminded me enough"

With that he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him leaving Dawood feeling guilty on his words.


Thank you for reading ✨❤️
I hope the story is getting interesting 📖

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-Nuska Nisthar 🌼

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