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As the scene unfolds inside Airplane Koji of Japan, the cacophony of airplane engines, bustling passengers, and emotional farewells fills the air. Among the throng of travelers, a young man emerges, clad in a cozy white hoodie and a snug winter hat, one earring glinting in the artificial light. His headphones dangle around his neck, attuned to a world of his own.

In his arms, he cradles a bag containing a precious cargo—a golden retriever puppy named Kochi, barely a year old. With a grin stretching across his handsome features, he breaks the silence with a tender declaration, "Kochi, we made it!"

His announcement draws curious glances from nearby passengers, some moved by the sight of the adorable puppy, others intrigued by the arrival of the enigmatic traveler. Sensing the attention, the young man chuckles nervously, his cheeks tinted with a faint blush. Swiftly, he offers a polite bow, a gesture of humility amidst the scrutiny, before hastening away with determined strides, luggage in tow. 

As Kai strides through the bustling terminal, his gaze shifts to Kochi, the adorable golden retriever nestled snugly in his bag. "Kochi, we're in Japan now. It's not like America," he murmurs softly, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "So, no running around, okay?"

Pausing abruptly, Kai's hand delves into his pockets, fingers brushing against the comforting weight of the photograph tucked safely within. With a relieved exhale, he withdraws the treasured memento—a snapshot frozen in time, capturing his father in his hero persona. The image is a beacon of hope, a tantalizing glimpse into the enigma of his past.

His father, with his raven-black hair and eyes ablaze with warmth, beams joyfully from the photograph, adorned in a striking hero suit of black and blue, emblazoned with the iconic number 1. But there, beside him, is a figure Kai can't quite place—an unfamiliar presence cloaked in a resplendent suit of gold and red. Despite the vibrant colors, the stranger's expression appears hollow, devoid of the same vitality that radiates from Kai's father.

Intrigued yet unsettled by this mysterious figure, Kai's eyes linger on the photograph, a silent vow stirring within him—to unravel the secrets concealed within his family's past, no matter the cost. With a determined grip, Kai carefully tucks the cherished photograph back into his pocket, a tangible reminder of the quest that lies ahead. Stepping out of Airplane Koji, he inhales deeply, savoring the crisp embrace of Japan's air, a tantalizing promise of new beginnings.

"Alright, next destination: UA," Kai declares with resolve, his gaze flickering briefly to Kochi, who meets his gaze with unwavering trust, a silent companion in his journey. A joyful smile dances across Kai's lips as he embarks on the path ahead, each step infused with a sense of anticipation and wonder.

As he sets off to explore the vibrant streets of Japan, Kai's heart brims with excitement, eager to uncover the secrets that await him at UA and unravel the mysteries of his own lineage. With Kochi by his side, he ventures forth into the unknown, ready to embrace the adventure that lies ahead. As Kai strolls along the bustling streets, his keen eyes catch sight of a quaint café nestled amidst the vibrant cityscape. A soft rumble emanates from his stomach, mirrored by Kochi's hungry whine. Kai chuckles softly, recognizing the universal language of appetite. "Well, guess we'll do what our stomach wants," he muses with a grin.

Entering the café, Kai is greeted by the comforting chime of a bell, announcing his arrival. Making his way to the counter, he exchanges a warm smile with the barista before placing his order with practiced ease. "One Ichigo smoothie and an Ichigo cake, please," he requests, his anticipation evident in his voice.

The barista nods with a friendly grin. "Of course, please take a seat while we prepare your order," she replies, her demeanor radiating hospitality.

As Kai settles into a cozy corner, his gaze wanders around the café, admiring the kaleidoscope of colors that adorn the walls. Moments later, his order arrives, accompanied by a gentle reminder from the barista about the payment. Kai's brow furrows momentarily as he calculates the exchange rate in his mind.

"No problem," he reassures the barista with a casual wave, digging into his wallet to retrieve the appropriate currency. However, his hopes are dashed when he discovers his oversight—US dollars in a land where yen reigns supreme. He apologizes sheepishly as he returns the orders, his embarrassment palpable.

Meanwhile, Kochi seizes the opportunity to indulge in the tantalizing scent of the strawberry cake, much to Kai's amusement and chagrin. With a nervous chuckle, Kai swiftly redirects his companion's attention and makes a hasty retreat to a nearby rooftop, seeking solace from the chaos below.

Lying back against the cool surface, Kai casts a fond glance at Kochi, his laughter mingling with a hint of resignation. "You can't do that, Kochi. We're not villains," he murmurs softly, his gaze drifting upward to the endless expanse of sky above. Together, they bask in the quiet serenity of the moment, content in each other's company amidst the unpredictable journey that lies ahead.

Kai's lips curl into a wry smile as he takes a refreshing sip of his untouched Ichigo smoothie. "Well, at least I got my drink," he remarks with a shrug, finding solace in the simple pleasures amidst the day's minor setbacks.

With a graceful leap, Kai descends from the rooftop, landing softly on the pavement below. His gaze falls upon a passerby, and he approaches with a courteous demeanor, seeking guidance amidst the maze of unfamiliar streets. "Excuse me, do you know where UA is?" he inquires politely, his tone laced with a hint of hopeful anticipation.

The stranger's nod of affirmation brings a surge of gratitude to Kai's heart. "Just go straight until you see a big school," the stranger offers succinctly.

Kai's thoughts dance with a mixture of appreciation and amusement at the stranger's brevity. "Wow, so helpful, I think," he muses inwardly, chuckling softly at the exchange. Expressing his gratitude, Kai bids the stranger farewell and sets off with renewed determination, his steps guided by the promise of discovery that awaits at UA.



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