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Stepping into the classroom of 1-A, Kai and Kochi are met with a mix of curious gazes and skeptical glances. Aizawa wastes no time in addressing the situation, his voice carrying a hint of annoyance as he announces Kai's presence. "I caught the intruder," he states bluntly, his expression unyielding.

A gruff voice interjects, belonging to a spikey blond-haired man who eyes Kai with suspicion. "So you decided to bring him as a punching bag, huh?" he grumbles, his tone dripping with skepticism.

Caught off guard by the accusation, Kai's nerves flare, but he manages to muster a nervous smile in response. "Come on, guys, I'm just a child(16 years old). What am I going to do, right Kochi?" he quips, seeking solace in his loyal companion. Kochi offers a supportive nod, his bark echoing Kai's sentiment.

Aizawa's response is swift and dismissive, his tone leaving no room for argument. "No, he isn't," he counters, his assessment final.

Amidst the tense exchange, Midoriya's voice rises with curiosity, seeking clarity amidst the uncertainty. "Uh, so why is he here, Aizawa?" he inquires, his brow furrowed with concern.

Aizawa's response is cryptic, hinting at the potential threat Kai poses. "He could be a potential villain," he offers, his words hanging heavy in the air with ominous undertones.

Undeterred by the suspicion surrounding him, Kai chooses to focus on the bright side, finding solace in the presence of his furry companion. Ignoring the wary glances and skeptical murmurs, he immerses himself in playful antics with Kochi, their bond serving as a source of comfort amidst the uncertainty that shrouds their encounter. Despite being constrained by Aizawa's scarf, Kai's spirit remains undaunted as he embraces the joy of the moment, determined to navigate the challenges that lie ahead with resilience and optimism. Kai "May you release me now
After class, Kai finds himself being led away by Aizawa, uncertainty clouding his expression as he seeks answers. "Where are you taking me?" he queries, his voice tinged with apprehension.

Aizawa's response is blunt and matter-of-fact. "You broke in. We are going to interrogate you," he explains, his tone brooking no argument.

Kai's protest is swift, his conviction unwavering as he asserts his innocence. "I am not a villain though!" he insists, his words punctuated by Kochi's supportive bark.

Aizawa's eyes roll in exasperation at Kai's protestations. "Yet, we do not know that," he retorts, his skepticism palpable.

Confusion clouds Kai's features as he processes Aizawa's cryptic response. "We?" he echoes, his brow furrowing in confusion.

A few minutes later, Kai finds himself blindfolded and bound to a chair in a dimly lit room, his heart pounding with uncertainty. As Aizawa removes the blindfold, Kai's gaze darts to the eclectic group before him—a mouse-like creature, a bear-like entity, and a muscular man with blond hair ascending to stand before him.

Despite his predicament, Kai maintains a facade of calm, his smile unwavering as he addresses the newcomers. "Oh, new people? Where's Kochi?" he inquires, seeking reassurance in the familiar presence of his loyal companion.

Aizawa wastes no time in introducing the esteemed figures before them. "This is Nezu, the principal of UA, and All Might, the Symbol of Peace. I suppose you've already heard of them," he explains, his tone tinged with gravity.

All Might's eyes widen imperceptibly at the sight of Kai, a flicker of recognition dancing in their depths. Kai, however, remains outwardly unaffected, his demeanor casual as he denies any prior knowledge. "Nope, first time," he responds nonchalantly, his words drawing surprised reactions from his captors.

Nezu's curiosity is piqued by Kai's response, prompting a probing question. "First?" he queries, his voice laced with intrigue.

Kai nods in affirmation, though inwardly he finds the situation perplexing. "Strange, I guess two people could be called All Might, right?" he muses silently, momentarily distracted by the oddity of the situation. However, Nezu's inquiry snaps him back to reality, prompting a swift response. "Are you a villain?" Nezu asks, his gaze piercing.

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