It's Worth Fighting For

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With concern etched on his face, Kai realizes the gravity of the situation unfolding before him. "I should warn the heroes, shouldn't I?" he murmurs to himself, his voice tinged with urgency. Scanning his surroundings for Kochi, his faithful companion, Kai's heart skips a beat when he realizes the puppy is nowhere in sight.

"Kochi?!" he calls out, his voice laced with worry as he frantically searches the area, retracing their steps in a desperate attempt to locate his beloved canine companion. 

In the midst of his frantic search for Kochi, Kai's chest constricts with worry, his fingers trembling as they clutch his shirt. "This cannot be," he whispers, his eyes widening with alarm as the realization sinks in. "Where can he be?" His heart pounds in his chest as he dedicates himself to scouring every corner, his mind consumed by thoughts of his missing companion.

Meanwhile, at the League of Villains hideout, Roji's fists clench with frustration as he recalls his encounter with Kai and the words that had struck a chord within him: "It's worth fighting for." The memory of Kai's unwavering determination ignites a spark of fury within him, his emotions swirling tumultuously beneath the surface.

Across the room, Rojo remains unperturbed by his brother's outburst, his attention focused elsewhere. Toga's arrival interrupts the tense atmosphere, her cheerful demeanor a stark contrast to Roji's simmering anger. "Someone's still grumpy," she observes with a playful smirk, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

Ignoring Roji's hostility, Rojo inquires about Toga's purpose for visiting their room. With a sly grin, Toga reveals her prize: Kochi, cradled gently in her hands. "Isn't it cute? I assumed it's Kai's," she chirps, delighting in the chaos her discovery has caused.

But Roji's reaction is far from pleasant. "Let me kill it," he snarls, his expression darkening with malice. Rojo, however, intervenes swiftly, delivering a sharp rebuke to his impulsive brother. "What the hell, brother?" Roji protests, recoiling from the unexpected blow.

Unfazed by Roji's outburst, Rojo admonishes him for his reckless behavior during the earlier confrontation. "You held back your powers. Anywho, so it's your fault you lost," he explains calmly, his tone tinged with authority.

Roji bristles at his brother's criticism, his temper flaring as he raises his fists in defiance. "Is this how you talk to your older brother?!" he demands, his voice laced with indignation.

But Rojo remains unruffled, his demeanor unwavering as he delivers the final blow. "You played recklessly for the first time. That's your fault, brother. Fighting recklessly is my thing," he declares matter-of-factly, his gaze unwavering as he asserts his dominance.

As Rojo extends a hand to pet Kochi, the puppy reacts instinctively, sinking its teeth into his hand with a playful nip, breaking the tension with a moment of unexpected humor. 

Toga maintains her grip on Kochi, her attention shifting momentarily as she relays the summons from Shigaraki and Kurogiri. "Anyways, Shigaraki and Kurogiri want to talk to both of you," she announces, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief.

The news elicits synchronized groans from Roji and Rojo, their expressions mirroring one another as they reluctantly prepare to depart. Roji rises from his seat, his earlier tension dissipating as he assumes a more relaxed posture.

Meanwhile, at UA, Kai's determined strides carry him back to the familiar surroundings of the school. With a sense of urgency, he seeks out Aizawa, intent on addressing the recent events that transpired outside the safety of the campus grounds. 

Aizawa's eyes widen in understanding as Kai expresses his concern. "They could've taken Kochi..." Kai's worry transforms into simmering anger, his fists clenched at the mere thought. Sensing the shift in Kai's emotions, Aizawa reassures him, his voice steady and reassuring. "Don't worry, Kai. You've fought well. I'll address this to the pro heroes. Do not worry."

With a firm nod, Kai acknowledges Aizawa's words before turning to leave. "I'm definitely not leaving this to only them," he mutters under his breath, determination flashing in his eyes as he exits the room.

Meanwhile, back at the League of Villains hideout, Rojo gestures towards Roji's forgotten glasses, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "Brother, you've forgotten your glasses during your battle," he remarks casually, offering the overlooked accessory to his sibling.

Roji, now calmed from his earlier outburst, adopts a more composed demeanor as he accepts the glasses from Rojo. "How silly of me. Thank you, brother," he responds graciously, adjusting the frames before preparing to join the impending discussion with Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

Together, Roji and Rojo stride into the meeting room, their presence commanding and authoritative. "You've called for us?" Roji addresses Shigaraki and Kurogiri with a sense of authority, while Rojo stands steadfastly by his side, a silent but supportive presence. 

Kurogiri's voice resonates with a calm authority as he addresses Roji and Rojo, his words carrying weight in the room. "I've heard about what happened. You apparently lost to a student training to be a hero named Kai?"

Roji responds with a hint of defensiveness, his tone tinged with annoyance. "Well, yes, but is that so important?"

Shigaraki interjects, his voice cutting through the tension with a hint of disdain. "That shows you're weak," he declares bluntly, his words carrying a harsh truth.

Roji quickly rebuts, his resolve evident in his tone. "No, incorrect. I haven't even tried or had a chance to. I played a different type of fighting style, which is my fault because that's my brother's style."

Rojo offers his agreement, stepping forward to reinforce his brother's statement. "He's correct," he affirms, his presence commanding respect. "I assure you, if my brother ever used his style, he'd kill him..."

Roji adds, emphasizing the threat posed by their opponent. "Indeed. Secondly, we should worry about that young man. Believe it or not, he is powerful. His punches as well."

Shigaraki nods thoughtfully, processing the information before dismissing the discussion with a simple statement. "I see. Well, that's all then..." His hand moves instinctively to scratch an itch, a fleeting gesture hinting at the restless mind beneath his calm exterior, before he abruptly stops, lost in thought as he considers his next move.

" His hand moves instinctively to scratch an itch, a fleeting gesture hinting at the restless mind beneath his calm exterior, before he abruptly stops, lost in thought as he considers his next move

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