New Friend?

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A day later, Aizawa captures the attention of his students with a terse announcement. "Today, we have new students," he declares, his voice cutting through the murmurs that ripple through the classroom.

As Kai and Kochi step into the room, all eyes turn towards them, curiosity mingling with surprise at the unexpected addition. Iida, with his characteristic glasses and blue hair, is quick to voice his inquiries. "I have two things to say, Mr. Aizawa. First, where is the second student? Second, isn't that the one who broke in yesterday? Because personally—" he begins, his words trailing off as Kai interjects with a calm rebuttal.

"It was just a misunderstanding, and also, the second student is right in front of you," Kai explains, his tone even as he addresses the lingering skepticism. Kochi's bark punctuates his statement, drawing wide-eyed reactions from the assembled students.

The revelation that Kai's companion is a dog elicits a mixture of surprise and confusion. "A dog?" Iida echoes, his disbelief evident in his tone.

With a warm smile, Kai affirms Kochi's role as his faithful partner. "It's my partner in crime, Kochi. Doggy, right?" he quips, casting a fond glance towards his furry friend.

Pressing forward with introductions, Kai extends a friendly greeting to his new classmates. "Anywho, my name is Kai, and that's Kochi. Nice to meet you guys. But if I may ask, old saggy man, where do we sit?" he jests, earning a collective gasp from the students and a slightly perturbed reaction from Aizawa, who gestures towards an available seat.

As Kai moves to take his place beside Bakugou and Jiro, he notices Izuku from their earlier encounter but opts to play coy for the moment, focusing instead on engaging with his immediate neighbors. Turning to the blonde, spikey-haired boy seated beside him, Kai initiates a conversation with genuine interest. "So, what's your name?" he inquires, extending an olive branch of friendship despite the boy's grumpy demeanor. 

The spikey-haired blonde boy scoffs dismissively, his demeanor bristling with hostility. "None of your concern," he retorts curtly, his tone dripping with attitude.

Jiro, seated on the other side of Kai, offers a helpful clarification. "Bakugou, that's his name," she interjects, her voice calm in contrast to Bakugou's abrasive manner.

Grateful for the information, Kai nods appreciatively before turning his attention to Jiro. "Thanks," he acknowledges before extending a friendly hand. "But may I also ask your name?" he inquires politely.

Jiro responds with a warm smile, introducing herself in turn. "My name is Jiro. Nice to meet you, Kai and Kochi," she says, her tone friendly and welcoming.

Refocusing on Bakugou, Kai attempts to bridge the gap with a lighthearted question. "So, Bakugou, what do you like to do?" he asks, his tone earnest despite Bakugou's surly demeanor.

Bakugou's response is predictably terse, his words laced with annoyance. "Shut up, newbie," he snaps, his irritation palpable.

Kai can't help but find humor in Bakugou's brash demeanor, though he maintains his composure. "You have quite the attitude, Bakugou. Has anyone told you that?" he remarks casually, his smile unwavering even as Kochi's barks of disapproval echo in the background.

Bakugou's temper flares at Kochi's outburst, his voice rising in frustration. "Keep control of your pest, twerp!" he demands, his irritation evident.

Kai chuckles nervously, seeking to defuse the tension. "My apologies. Calm down, Kochi," he murmurs soothingly, his tone gentle as he reassures his furry companion.

Undeterred by Bakugou's brusque demeanor, Kai extends an olive branch, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "So, Bakugou, want to be my new friend?" he offers, his gaze steady as he meets Bakugou's challenging stare.

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