My beautiful cheek 💢

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As they step beyond the confines of UA, Kai and Kochi are greeted by the towering buildings and vibrant colors of Japan's bustling streets. The dazzling spectacle ignites a spark of wonder in Kai's eyes, his smile radiating with genuine delight as he takes in the sights and sounds of his surroundings.
Lost in the labyrinth of the city, Kai wanders aimlessly, his senses heightened by the cacophony of urban life. Suddenly, a deafening explosion reverberates through the streets, jolting him from his reverie. Despite the chaos unfolding before him, Kai's eyes light up with a fearless determination.

"New challenge!" he declares boldly, his heart racing with excitement as he charges towards the source of the explosion without hesitation. As he arrives at the scene, he is met with the sight of a building engulfed in flames, and panicked civilians fleeing in every direction.

Undeterred by the danger, Kai scans the chaos for the source of the explosion, his gaze drawn to two enigmatic figures emerging from the shadows. Twins, their hair concealing their eyes, stand ominously amidst the chaos—one with white-gray hair, the other with jet-black locks. Alongside them, a group of individuals emerges from a warped portal, their intentions unclear amidst the mayhem.

With courage in his heart and determination in his eyes, Kai braces himself to face this new threat head-on, ready to confront whatever challenges lie ahead.

Gently setting Kochi down on the ground, Kai begins to wander, his steps filled with a sense of awe and curiosity. "I never really got to take a good look at it when I got here," he muses aloud, his voice tinged with a hint of regret as he reflects on the missed opportunities to explore this vibrant new world.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, one of the twins vents his frustration, his annoyance palpable in his tone. "Oi, no heroes? How come? I was excited to meet a Japanese hero," he grumbles, his irritation evident.

His counterpart, seemingly more composed, interjects with a calm demeanor, stretching leisurely before offering his perspective. "Well, we did just arrive from South America. Besides, they'll come eventually, right, Toga?" he remarks, casting a glance towards a girl with short blonde hair and a blood-stained knife.

Toga's smile takes on a sinister edge as she responds, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Of course," she purrs, her gaze fixated on the unfolding spectacle before her.

Suddenly, their attention is drawn to Kai, who stands a few meters away, his presence unexpected. Toga, intrigued, gestures towards him with her bloody knife, her curiosity piqued. "Who's that?" she inquires, tilting her head inquisitively.

The twins, caught off guard by Kai's unexpected appearance, exchange a glance before realizing their oversight. "I guess we forgot one or something. Who wants to handle him?" one of them suggests.

Toga, seemingly uninterested in the task, leans casually against a nearby pole, her posture relaxed. "You two can handle it. I'm too tired for this," she remarks, her voice laced with nonchalance.

As the twins prepare to confront Kai, he braces himself for the impending clash, his heart pounding with adrenaline. "Oh crap, they're villains," he realizes, his mind racing as he prepares to face the imminent threat.

The twins, their laughter echoing ominously, begin to approach Kai with menacing intent, their words dripping with malice. "Oi, you! Why haven't you run yet?" one of them demands, his voice laced with hostility.

Unfazed by their aggression, Kai meets their gaze with unwavering resolve. "Oh, me? I'm Kai. Nice to meet you," he replies casually, his tone surprisingly calm given the circumstances.

An outburst of frustration interrupts his introduction as one of the twins scoffs incredulously. "Did we ask for your name?" he retorts, his annoyance evident.

:Seeking Solace; My "HERO" Adventure!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora