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As the sun begins its descent, casting a warm glow over the bustling cityscape, Kai's breath comes in ragged gasps, a testament to the hours spent navigating the labyrinthine streets of Tokyo. With each labored exhale, he pushes himself forward, his determination unwavering in the face of exhaustion.

Finally, a beacon of hope emerges on the horizon—UA, standing proudly against the backdrop of the evening sky. Kai's heart swells with joy at the sight of the renowned institution, a tangible symbol of his quest drawing ever closer to fruition.

Summoning every ounce of resolve, Kai regains his composure with practiced ease, masking the weariness that threatens to consume him. With renewed vigor, he breaks into a sprint, Kochi bounding faithfully by his side, their shared excitement palpable in the crisp evening air.

Yet, their jubilation is short-lived as they arrive at the imposing gates of UA, only to find them firmly shut, barring their entry. Kai's brow furrows in frustration as he surveys the barrier before him, a pang of uncertainty gnawing at his resolve.

"How do we get in, Kochi? Do you know?" Kai queries, his gaze shifting to his loyal companion, whose tail wags in silent solidarity. In the depths of their shared uncertainty, a bond forged in trust and companionship serves as a beacon of hope, guiding them forward in their quest for answers. 

As Kochi gazes up at the towering gates of UA, a spark of determination ignites within him, mirrored by Kai's hopeful expression. With a wag of his tail, Kochi suggests a solution that seems so simple—climb.

Eager to heed his furry friend's advice, Kai attempts to scale the barricade, only to be met with an unexpected obstacle that sends him tumbling to the ground with an undignified thud. "Ow," he grumbles, rubbing his sore backside as he rises to his feet, undeterred by the setback.

Undaunted by the initial failure, Kai gathers his resolve and makes another valiant attempt to surmount the barrier, only to be met with the same frustrating result. Frustration begins to simmer beneath his cheery exterior, his annoyance palpable in the furrow of his brow.

"It's starting to piss me off," Kai mutters petulantly, his pout betraying his growing impatience. With a determined glint in his eyes, he resolves to take more drastic measures, channeling his frustration into a single decisive punch aimed squarely at the barricade.

The impact reverberates through his hand, jolting Kai backward as he grunts in pain, the sting of defeat gnawing at his pride. Kochi's bark of encouragement echoes in the air, drawing Kai's attention as he follows his faithful companion, oblivious to the hairline crack he's left behind in the stubborn barricade. As Kai and Kochi crouch behind the cover of a nearby trashcan, their curiosity piqued by the conversation unfolding before them. Their eyes alight upon a striking duo—a green-haired boy with freckles and an unmistakable air of determination, and a towering figure with a commanding presence, known as All Might.

Hushed voices carry through the air, drawing Kai's attention as he leans in closer, straining to catch every word. Midoriya's plaintive inquiry pierces the stillness, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Why'd you choose me again, All Might?"

All Might's response resonates with wisdom and empathy, his words carrying the weight of experience. "I see myself in you, young Midoriya. That's why," he explains, his gaze steady and unwavering.

Midoriya's disbelief is palpable as he grapples with All Might's revelation. "How? I'm just a quirkless nobody," he protests, his voice tinged with self-doubt.

Caught off guard by the unfamiliar term, Kai's thoughts whirl with questions. "What the hell is a quirk?" he wonders silently, his brow furrowing in confusion.

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