☕️Chapter 2☕️

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Tea party fight club

No one's POV

After sitting at the table and observing everyone, you could see a pattern, Eliza would comment on something, two kids would get in a fight, then be asked to leave. After people were kicked out, you could see the tea timers giggling amongst themselves. Perhaps they were planning on kicking people out?

"Now, what kind of tea party would this be without a game of croquet?" Eliza's voice broken you from your thoughts. "J.p., you can play with Borris and Craig. You can play with Jason.."

"Huh?!" Craig says.

"What?!" Jason yells in disbelief.

You ignore them and instead start talking to Eliza. "And what about me, Miss Eliza?" You say, trying to smile. 

"Oh, Y/n! You can play with...me." She says, smiling and narrowing her eyes.

"Lovely." You say, smiling at her. But it was infact not lovely, quite possibly the opposite. Eliza knew she got on your nerves. She knew you were the only one who could see through her silly tea parties. She liked drama and causing it.

"Wow, Y/n. You're really good at this, I didn't think someone like you would be so good, I was more expecting it from someone like Jason.." Eliza says. You knew she was just trying to stir up some drama, but you wouldn't let her have that. As much as it angered you, you simply just smiled. 

"Well, yes, I used to take lessons." You say. Eliza seemed to be disappointed by that response, that just cheered you up, though.


Soon, it was time for cake. "My, that was quite a show, wasn't it?" Eliza says.

"Yes, but before we eat this cake, can I say a few words?" You ask.

"Well, of course, Y/n." She replies.

"First of I'd just like to say that..." You walk over to the front of the table, standing infrong of the cake. "This cake.." You then turn your hand into a fist and raise your arm up. "Is. A. Fake." You then slam your hand into the cake, making it fall to the ground.

"It's.. hollow.." You hear Jason say.

"That's right! It's fake! Just like you!" You say, pointing at Eliza.

"No cake for me??!!?! Borris yells angrily. He then picks up a handful of food and throws it in Eliza's face. 

"Aaaghh!! How dare you!!" Eliza yells at you. You just laugh at her.

"I think you've got something on your face, sort of everywhere." You say, motioning around her face." You couldn't stop yourself from laughing.

"Ugh, I will have my revenge, Y/n. Just you wait." She says, waving a finger in your face. She had backed you into a corner. You then get one of your fingers and wipe some of the chicken and sauce off her face and eat it. 

"Wow, Kelsey is really good at cooking." You say. Eliza then backs away frome you, becoming flustered, a blush then rises to her cheeks. You walk away from her to your bike where you ride home.


"Hey, you're home!" Your older sister says.

"What's for dinner, Cass?" You say, sitting down at the table 

"Pasta, it's the only thing I know how to make since dad isn't home yet." "What did you and the bike nerds do today?" She asks you.

"Well, I went to a tea party, but then I exposed this girl for promising fake cake." 

"Nice!" Cass says "That explains why you have the only nice dress you own on." She then places a plate of cheesy pasta infront of you as well as a glass of orange juice. 

"Thanks." You say. Once you finish eating, you make your way over to your room whee you play video games until you have to sleep. You change into some pajamas and flop onto your bed, you soon drift into a deep sleep.

✨️Sorry this was a short chapter, I just couldn't be bothered to write a longer one. Anyways I'll be working on the next chapter today but I'll probably get it posted next week, if you have any ideas be sure to let me know.✨️

An-knee-Wayz, bye!


I Hate You ~ Eliza x (fem) Reader (Craig of the creek)Where stories live. Discover now