🌧Chapter 7🌧

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TW: Cursing, Abuse

Kiss it better

Eliza's POV:

I wake up, my eyes still shut. I lean back on my pillow. "Ugh, since when have pillows been this uncomfortable?" I mumble.

"That's because it's not a pillow. It's me." Y/n says. I quickly jumped up away from her, my face now covered in a blanket of red.

"Why were you cuddling up to me?!" I question.

"Because it was the only way I got you to shut up. It seemed like you were having a nightmare." She replies. Y/n is just so annoying. She keeps on messing up my brain and making my stomach feel all weird.

"I'm going to get dressed, I suggest you do the same."

"Alright." She says, grabbing some clothes then walking out but stops mid way to the door. "Wait.." She slowly turns around to face me. 

"Yes?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Your hair's shorter." She points towards me. My eyes widen when I realise I don't have my wig on. My hair was short, just above my shoulders , it was coloured a darker pink. 

"Um.. you better not tell anyone about this, but I um.. wear a wig.." I admit. Y/n then walks up to me and grabs a section of my hair, twirling it around in her fingers. My face goes bright red for a second time.

"I like it, you should have it like this more often." She turns around and walks out the door, my jaw was hanging open, just then my sister walks past my door.

"What happened to you?" She laughs.

"Nothing!" I yell at her. God, she's so nosey.

I grab a light pink dress, it was shorter than my usual dress, about knee length. I put it on and smooth out the wrinkles, I then grab a darker pink cropped blazer from a coat hanger. I look in my bedazzled mirror, looking gorgeous as always. I reach for my wig but then pull away, remembering what Y/n said, maybe today I would show off my beautiful natural hair.

I head downstairs, Y/n was already waiting for me at the table, along with my sister, father and her mother. I take a seat opposite my sister. A few of our butlers came out of the kitchen hold plates of pancakes. Once we all get pancakes I start to dig in.

"So Y/n, I never get the chance to talk to you anymore." Her mother starts. "Any boys in your life?" Y/n's eyes widen and just about chokes on her pancakes.

"Uhh... yes?" She replies. 

"Oh, do tell." Her mother pushes.

"Oh, um.. he goes to an all boys school, very tall and... oh! Top student. Yep.." Y/n says. Suddenly I wasn't as hungry, there was a tug at my chest, ugh stupid feeling!

She likes a boy?  Why does that bother me?

"Really? I thought Eliza and you were pretty close." My sister says, smirking at me.

"What?.." Her mother says, narrowing her eyes at Y/n.

"Cut. It. Out." I say through my teeth.

"My bad, I just thought they were getting pretty close last night.." My sister says, putting her hands up.

"Are you one of those fucking gays?!" Y/n's mother screams at her. My eyes widen and so does my sister's.

"Hey um.. I didn't want it to get like this, how about-" My sister starts.

"So what if I am?!" Y/n yells back. Her mother then raises a hand and slaps her across the face, leaving a red hand shaped mark on Y/n's face.

"What the fuck?!" She then runs out the door, grabbing her blue bag on her way.

"Ms. L/n, it's safe to say that you are fired." My father says, standing up.


Y/n's POV:

I ran, ran as fast as my legs could take me, to the creek. I collapsed under the tea timers willow tree, luckily Jane and George weren't there. It had started to rain, the rain seeped into my shoes. All I could do was sit and cry, I very rarely cried, but this was something else. I then heard foot steps, I looked up to see Eliza running over. She hit the ground with a thud and sat next to me. I rested my head on her shoulder, she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry..." Was all I could say.

"For what?" She turns your head to face her.

"Well, I mean I'm supposed to hate you, but I don't? And these past few days... I just-" She cut me off by leaning in and pressing her lips against mine, closing the gap between us. I closed my eyes, and after a moment, we parted.

"I shouldn't have done that!" Eliza freaked out.

"No, you should have.." I kiss her again on her cheek, her cheeks flush a bright red and so do mine. 

"So.. Y/n L/n, would you- would you like to be my girlfriend?" The rain was now pouring through the branches, soaking the both of us, but I didn't care. I stood up and she followed.

"Yes!" I say, bringing her in for a kiss, wrapping my arms around her waist, she held me tightly as we embraced each other.

But all i could think is "I'm dating Eliza, the most wonderful girl on the planet..♥️"


✨️A very cute chapter, absolutely loved writing the ending♥️ but wait! There's more! I'm also thinking of making a second book.✨️

An-knee-Wayz, bye! >:)))


I Hate You ~ Eliza x (fem) Reader (Craig of the creek)Where stories live. Discover now