♥️Chapter 9♥️

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The End?

Y/n's POV 

It was about a week after the Sleepover. Today was the day I was gonna tell the ten speeds im dating Eliza. I peddle on my bike towards the ramps. All of the ten speeds were there today.

"Hey guys!" I yell out.

"Hey, Y/n!" They all reply.

"So um.." I start.

"What is she doing here?" Handlebarb asks, annoyed, motioning over to Eliza. She was sat on the back of my bike, and I wanted them just to start over. But that was obviously not happening any time soon. 

"She is here to apologise." I say.

"I am?" Eliza interrupts, giving me an unimpressed look.

"Yes, you are!" I say, staring at her.

"Ugh, fine." She hopped off the bike, and so did I. The ten speeds looked skeptical but didn't say anything. "I'm..." She hesitated a bit, I grabbed hold of her hand, rubbing the back of it gently with my thumb. "Sorry." She finished. 

"We accept your apology." Warpspeed says.

"Also, I may be dating Eliza right now." I quickly say.

"What?!" Most of them exclaimed, except Handlebarb, who was smiling.

"I knew it!" She says, pointing at me.

"Why has that been everyone's reaction so far?!" I question. "First Cass, then You!"

"Even George said that!" Eliza adds.

 "Oh, I almost forgot, this was left for you." Handlebarb passes me a letter with my name on it, a small heart drawn on it.

"Who is it from?" I ask.

"Dunno.." Handlebarb replies.


Me and Eliza walk to the tea timers willow tree. She pulled out a seat for me, and I gladly took it.

"Who do you think it's from?" Eliza asks me.

"I have no clue." I say, I opened the letter to find a page of neat handwriting, I started to read it aloud.

To Dearest Y/n,

You may not know who I am, but I know who you are. I've seen you around the creek, the way your hair flows in the wind, your elegant bike tricks. It's all perfect. I don't know how to say this but I love you. You're amazing and wonderful, and I want to spend the day at the creek with you.

- D ♡

My jaw dropped, my head was filled with questions. Who was this mysterious person?! They know who I am?! But there was one circling in my mind...

What do we do now?..

✨️heehee I'm leaving you on a cliff hanger, but don't worry, there will be a SECOND BOOK!! I'm really exited to write it, so yay.✨️

An-knee-Wayz, bye! >:)))


I Hate You ~ Eliza x (fem) Reader (Craig of the creek)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum