🌸Chapter 3🌸

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Dance Of The Night

No ones POV:

You were woken up by Cass shaking you awake. "Quit it, can't you see I'm trying to sleep?!" You say, half awake.

"It's almost lunch, I think you've had plenty of sleep." She says, rolling her eyes. Cass then walks out of your room, shutting the door, but not completely so there was a small crack. This absolutely enraged you. Why couldn't she just shut it normally? You pull off the blanket covering you and rub your eyes. You pick the duvet you had previously tossed on the floor, it was so hot last night that you just slept without it, you then chucked it back on your bed. You make your way over to the door and close it properly before head to your closet where you pick out a baggy band t-shirt and cargo shorts, both of the clothing items were new. You head downstairs for lunch.

"Ha! You dress like a lesbian!" Your sister snorts.

"Well mabye i am!" You blurt out.

"Honestly that wouldn't surprise me." She says.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" 

"Oh nothing." She passes you a sandwich. "And by the way, you're welcome." 

"Well I'm gonna go to the creek." You say, grabbing your bag, you had sewn on patches of different images, your favorite one being a rainbow with the words "Dead Inside" writen on it. Another was of the pink lion from the show Steven universe. (If you don't watch Steven universe then imagine a character from a different show)

 (If you don't watch Steven universe then imagine a character from a different show)

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(Art by me)

"Okay then, have fun." Cass says, messing up your already untidy hair.

"Bye!" You yell as you jump on your bike and peddle off to the creek.


"I can't believe Eliza tricked us with a fake cake!" Handlebarb exclaims.

"I can.." You mumble.

You then hear footsteps, you all stop and hop off your bikes. It was the tea timers. Great...

Eliza was sitting a top of a very glamorous throne, carried by Jane and George. "What are you doing here?" You question her. 

"Oh, I just came here to apologise for yesterday, so I'm inviting you all to a extravagant ball, hosted by me." She says. Perhaps you could stop her from doing anything else, so you accepted the invitation, maybe it won't be so bad. 

"Alright, I'll be there." You say. The ten speeds all gasped, they knew you, and ther knew you were the type to hold grudges. 

"Oh exellent, I'll se you there!" Eliza waves at us then sits back down on her throne and heads towards the stump.

                                                            ✨️>:)))✨️ ~the next afternoon.~

Everyone must show their invitations to get in." You hear George say. You and the ten speeds walk up and drop the Invite letter into George's hand. Once you entered it was like stepping into a disco, with beautiful purple fairy lights, tables filled with real snacks, and Jane as a Dj. Eliza walks towards you. 

"Hello Y/n, care to dance?" She says, holding out her hand. You roll your eyes.

"Why of course." You say, take her hand.

"Alright everyone, it's time for a slow dance." Jane announces. Your eyes widened as you hear the next words. "This one goes out to all the couples out there." Everyone was starting at you and Eliza, who seemed as if she had not heard what Jane just said. You couldn't just stop dancing now though, especially when you were part way through a dance.

"Oh Y/n, it seems you haven't stopped dancing." Eliza points out, throwing her arms over your shoulders.

"Oh uh- why would I stop dancing part way through?" You ask nervously,

"Oh I don't know, mabye because it's a slow dance and you're supposed to hate me? But yes it would be quite unprecedented to stop halfway through a dance." She says. Eliza then throws you back, holding your waist. (She's doing that dip thingy people do in dancing) You feel the heat rise to your face. "I must say, it is quite fun getting you this flustered." She teases. 

"I hate you." You say, narrowing your eyes.

"I hate you more." She smiles.

"Oh yeah, then why did you offer me this dance?" You smirk.

"Why'd you accept it?" 

"Touche." You say, she then brings you back up from the dip, you both start swaying from side to side. The song comes to an end and you and Eliza part. "See you later, Eliza." You say, tapping the end of her nose before walking off, this time it was her turn to be flustered, blush spead across her face. While you were getting a drink, Handlebarb walked up to you.

"Hey dude, what the heck is going on between you and Eliza?!" She questions. "Aren't you supposed to hate each other?"

"We do." You reply, simply.

"So it's like a love hate relationship?"

"What?! Who said anything about a relationship?!" 

"Woah, calm down. I was just asking, but it seems like you fancy pinky over there." Handlebarb says, nudging you and motioning towards Eliza.

"What?! No, i hate her!" You exclaim.

"Sure, whatever you say." Handlebarb then walks off towards Warpspeed.


"I don't like her, do I?" That question was keeping you awake in bed. "No, I don't! I hate her and she hates me! She said it herself.." You thought. You then close your eyes and go to sleep.

✨️Thanks for reading this chapter! Can't believe it gor like 3 votes already?! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you have any suggestions for future chapters please tell me!✨️

An-knee-Wayz, bye! >:)))


I Hate You ~ Eliza x (fem) Reader (Craig of the creek)Where stories live. Discover now