Limbo | 1 | Minho

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He's standing there, just the same as two years ago.

But something is different now. He looks different now.

What is it? Why can't I place it? He's...




Last time he was in that exact same spot, he was barely 16 years old. He was standing behind his parents while they told Hyunjin to take care of his health and make safe choices in school. He was trying his best to look like he didn't care his brother was going off to college. But I could see the tears he was holding back in his eyes from all the way over here.

I remember seeing his body tensing as Hyunjin made his way down the line, hugging his parents first. He knew it was his turn to say goodbye to his brother. I remember Hyunjin standing in front of him and giving him a little shove, the two brothers too awkward to want to hug each other. Their mom was forcing the two to embrace and saying something like 'hug your brother, you won't see him for a while'.

And I distinctly remember Hyunjin saying, 'come here, you little twerp' and pulling him into a small hug. He hugged back and I could see his knuckles turn white as he gripped Hyunjin's hoodie tight around his back.

I don't really know what it's like to have a brother. Especially not a little one. But I guess he was the closest thing I had to one.

And now I can't see it. I can't see the little brother in him today.

All I see is an 18-year-old stranger. Someone I can't recognize despite growing up with him for over 10 years. He was his own man, not just a nerdy kid following his brother and me around.

No more braces.

No more acne.

No more bowl cut.

No more oversized plaid hoodie.

No more unconfident shyness.


I guess the little twerp grew up in the past 2 years.

Minho leaned against a tree, just out of sight, watching them with his arms crossed over his broad chest. And as the parents drove away, the same as they did 2 years ago, he pushed away from the tree, arms uncrossing. He shoved his hands in his pockets, and sighed again, knowing it was time to say hi to Jisung after 2 years.

He didn't know why he felt uneasy seeing Jisung from a distance now. Maybe he just didn't like the transformation Jisung went through, and he wasn't there to see it.

It was too sudden. Too unexpected for him.

Minho had planned on treating Jisung the same as he always had. But now, he could tell it wouldn't be the same.

He walked toward the two brothers, watching Hyunjin with one hand in his pockets and the other holding his phone, while Jisung tried to carry his backpack, duffle bag and a suitcase by himself.

As he approached, Minho saw a flash of innocent fear flash through Jisung's eyes when he finally spotted him.

Minho smirked.

Oh, how Minho loved seeing that scared little boy look on Jisung's face.

I guess he's the same after all.



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