Ex | 1 | Jeongin

130 6 14

Oh shit.

This can't be happening.

"Hey, what did you say your friend's names are again?" Jeongin asked Minho, trying to contain his panic seeing a very familiar face in the distance.

"Which one? Hyunjin? Or Changbin or Chan?" Minho replied.

Oh shit, no, please God no.

"They're all right there, I'll introduce you," Minho replied and pointed over to the group of guys sitting at the table in the bar.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Minho led Jeongin past a few tables in the crowded bar, music thumping loudly in the background. But Jeongin couldn't think of anything else as soon as he laid eyes on... him.

"Hey guys, this is my new roommate, Jeongin," Minho introduced. Everyone at the table looked up from their conversation and waved as the two arrived.

They all collectively greeted Jeongin as he tried his best to smile back, giving a small bow.

"This is Chan hyung, Changbin hyung, they're both seniors. That's my best friend Hyunjin, he's a junior like us two. Those two are our freshmeat Felix, and Crybaby," Minho finished introducing.

"Hey!" Jisung protested immediately.

Everyone at the bar table laughed and Jisung rolled his eyes.

"My name's Jisung, not Crybaby, nice to meet you."

Jeongin smiled at everyone politely and fidgeted in his spot, trying his best not to make eye contact with the one guy he swore he would never see again.

The only spot open was the one across from the one guy he didn't want to see.

Fuck my life.

He sat down hesitantly, not sure how to react. Should he leave? Should he pretend nothing ever happened?

And suddenly, their eyes met.

Jeongin gasped.

And all those complicated feelings came rushing back.


Fucking Chan.

He hadn't seen Chan in over a year. They broke it off at the end of his freshmen year and he told Chan never to show his face in front of him again.

Looking at him now, felt unreal.

Chan seemed unfazed as ever. Expression stoic.

Jeongin internally scoffed.

He will never change, forever the brooding lone wolf.

They all ordered drinks and got to know each other, discussing classes and majors. Jeongin decided to focus on getting to know the group instead of the guy sitting in front.

Chan seemed to get the hint, not that he looked particularly shocked to see Jeongin anyway and acted normal. They didn't blatantly ignore each other, just conveniently did not engage in active conversation.

It seems like we're gonna pretend that year never happened I guess.

Jeongin's phone buzzed as he was taking a swig of his drink and talking with Hyunjin.

"Ah, my friend Seungmin is here," Jeongin told the group, "You guys don't mind if he joins, do you?"

"Of course not," Hyunjin replied. "First week of school sucks, so the more the merrier for our first outing of the semester."

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