DLMLU | 2 | Chan

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Chan bid farewell to Seungmin and came back into his own apartment not thinking much of it. Just that he desperately wanted to shower and sleep some more.

He glanced down and saw an unfamiliar (familiar?) pair of shoes by the door, and was immediately curious who else was at his place. He heard a small laugh and mumbled conversation coming from Changbin's room and walked toward it to get a better listen.

Just then, Changbin swung the door open and walked out with a giant smile on his face.

"Hey Channie," Changbin greeted.

"Hey Binnie, you came back last night?" He asked, trying not to sound too curious.

"Yeah, thank God Jeongin woke me up, otherwise my back would've been shot today," Changbin stated nonchalantly, not thinking too much about it. He pointed into his room and said, "He's in the shower."

Chan nodded, noticing Changbin's wet hair and fresh clothes. He tried not to show any emotions, finally putting all the pieces together. But the crushing pain in his chest was too difficult to ignore.

Fuck my life...

Changbin did say he might like Jeongin, and they were together in his room last night and shower this morning.

Chan sighed internally.

This sucked. And he knew it sucked.

But Changbin was great, right? And if they're happy together then Chan would just have to learn to be happy for them.

"I'm gonna make some breakfast for us, you want some?" Changbin offered as he walked into he kitchen passing Chan.

Chan sighed again when Changbin's back was to him and closed his eyes in frustration.

I can't watch them have morning after breakfast together.

It's too pathetic.

"Nah I'm gonna pass out and sleep some more honestly. Gonna shower first," he answered, leaning against the kitchen island.

"Alright. Gym later?" Changbin asked, pointing a spatula in his direction from the kitchen.

Chan groaned, putting his head in his hands on the counter. "Ugh, probably not today. I'm beat from last night. Need a recovery day. But you go," he replied.

"Yeah, me too, we drank so freaking much," Changbin said, shaking his head with a smile. "I probably won't make it to the gym until like 8pm."

"Enjoy your breakfast together," Chan added, hoping he was able to hide the sadness in his voice from his best friend. He waved and disappeared quickly into the safety of his own room so the two can have their breakfast date.

He couldn't face Jeongin right now. It would be too much. He wouldn't even know how to react. Chan needed to escape before he came out of the shower. Chan needed to process the information before he could face his ex.

Jeongin would take one look at his face and know.

He could distinctly hear changbin humming to himself from the kitchen.

Changbin seems happy.

He can keep Jeongin happy. That's all that matters to me.

The two most important people in my life are happy. I should be happy for them too.

I am happy for them.




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