All In | 2 | Seungmin

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In the blink of an eye, final exams were already approaching around the corner. The guys decided to hang out one last time before the start of finals week, with the semester coming quickly to a close. They knew they wouldn't be able to hang out much until their ski trip after their exams so, all the guys ended up going to a house party's being thrown by one of the seniors.

"Hey Seungmin," Wooyoung greeted once he spotted him standing in the living room with the 7 other guys.

"Hey!" Seungmin greeted back, excitedly, giving him a small hug. "This is Wooyoung," he introduced to the group. "He's my ex."

And everyone was shocked.

Wooyoung smiled and waved, expecting the reaction. "Oh, this is my friend San, by the way," he also introduced, pulling his friend over by the arm.

Everyone greeted each other politely, chatting and sharing drinks, getting to know one another.

Felix caught Wooyoung's eye immediately and the two seemed to hit it off. They even moved away from the group together eventually, deciding to go play a round of beer pong together.

Hyunjin watched Wooyoung put the biggest smile on Felix's face from across the room. He clenched his jaw, annoyed, but not being able to move a single muscle.

Minho also watched; eyes narrowed at San talking to Jisung with his arm leaning against the wall hovering over Jisung. Jisung ranted on about something, blissfully unaware of San staring down at his lips as he talked.

Minho scoffed, beyond pissed, and took another swig of his drink.

Minho and Hyunjin looked at each other for a few moments, somehow able to read each other's minds. They walked outside to get some fresh air by the poolside while their two freshmen moved on to nicer guys.

Seemed like their plan worked.

Unfortunately for them.


"Is it weird to see Wooyoung again?" Jeongin asked, while he sat on the couch next to Seungmin.

"No, I don't think so," Seungmin commented with a shrug.

"But he's your ex."

"Yeah but we're still friends. We had a clean break," Seungmin replied, while taking a sip of his drink.

"Mm I see." Jeongin nodded, swirling his drink in his hands. He was still in his head about Changbin, unable to break it off even still due to his overly kind personality.

"What's wrong?" Seungmin asked, looking slightly concerned at his best friend's somber expression.

Jeongin looked at him. "Nothing..." he lied.

"You've been acting different all semester," Seungmin told him.

"Have I?"

"A little yeah..."

Jeongin sighed. "Can I tell you something?"


He took in a deep breath. "Channie hyung was my boyfriend when I was a freshman..." He looked at Seungmin nervously.

"What??" Seungmin shouted, almost spilling his drink. "The one who forgot your birthday?" He stared at Jeongin with wide eyes.


Seungmin let a few moments pass to mull over the information. "The way you described him, that doesn't sound like Channie hyung at all..."

Jeongin groaned, leaning back against the couch. "He's changed so much. He's like a different guy."

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