Charmer | 1 | Hyunjin

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"I always thought this would be where I live," Minho said with a sigh, looking at Hyunjin while they sat side by side on the couch.

"Yeah man, me too," Hyunjin replied with his own matching sigh. "This kinda sucks, I'm stuck babysitting the little shit for the rest of my two years in college." Hyunjin shook his head disappointedly. "How's the new roommate?" He continued.

"Jeongin? Yeah, he's cool, he's a 3rd year like us."

"Hopefully he won't complain when you have guys over."

"Yeah, I hope not. That would suck. But he doesn't seem like a prude but I just met him yesterday."

"You think he'll bring a bunch of people over too?"

"Nah, he's the dating type I think. But he's pretty chill, I'll bring him around so you can meet him."

Hyunjin nodded and they continued playing while Jisung set up the kitchen.

Jisung worked diligently and eventually disappeared to set up the bathrooms.

"Ramen? I'm hungry," Hyunjin asked Minho at the end of their game.

"Yeah, let's go," Minho replied as he stood up. "Where's the nerd?"

"Dunno," Hyunjin answered with a shrug while grabbing his wallet and keys. "Probably decorating his room with posters of rappers."

They burst out laughing.

"Yo, remember that time we found his rap journal?" Minho reminisced.

They laughed some more.

"Oh my God yeah," Hyunjin recalled.

"Excuse me, noona, do you have a boyfriend??" They both sang simultaneously, laughing hysterically all the while.

"Ahh, that was some funny shit," Hyunjin muttered, wiping away a fake tear from laughing so hard.

"He's different now though, since I saw him two years ago," Minho added airily, "He looks like he can take me now."

"Nah, he's too scared," Hyunjin reassured.

"Yeah, I hope so. Keep him in his place." Minho replied and grinned as they headed out for lunch.

Ten minutes later, Jisung came out of his room.

"Hyung, I'm starving. Can we eat something?" Jisung spoke into the empty living room.

He looked around the room and realized no one was home.


Jisung picked up his phone and texted Hyunjin.

Jisung: Hyung where are you? I'm hungry

Hyunjin: I'm getting ramen with Minho

Jisung: You left without me?

Hyunjin: Yeah

Jisung: ...

Hyunjin: What

Jisung: I'm hungry

Hyunjin: Okay so eat

Jisung: Hyung there's no food in the house. And I don't know any food places around here

Hyunjin: Figure it out

Jisung: You're the worst

Hyunjin: 🖕

Jisung sighed and wondered why he expected anything more from his brother.

Then, he texted Felix.


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