Up All Night | 2 | Jisung

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The guys were all scattered around Hyunjin's living room finishing the movie and drinking their last drops of alcohol while Felix and Hyunjin made another alcohol run. But the two were nowhere to be found and it was nearly the end of the movie.

"They look like they're gonna eat each," Jisung said to the group, eyes glued to the screen, as the couple in the movie started making out.

Everyone laughed.

"That's what kissing is," Chan replied, taking a sip of his drink on the couch.

"I thought kissing was supposed to be more romantic," Jisung asked, slightly confused.

"It can be, but this is right before the good stuff," Changbin added suggestively.

"Hmm... I guess so," Jisung concluded, still confused.

Jisung was the youngest in the room and never did he feel it more than right then. Of course, he was also the most inexperienced. Everyone in the room had been with at least one or two other guys intimately before as they established earlier. Some had a body count that was so impressive, it was astonishing how they managed to juggle school and sex.

If Felix was not out getting beers with Hyunjin, maybe he could understand the same confusion as Jisung.

"You never kissed anyone?" Jeongin asked him politely.

"No, never. Kinda lame, right?" Jisung replied, feeling sort of embarrassed.

"Not really, you're still really young," Jeongin added. "Besides, that's what college is for."

"Do you want to," Changbin asked, "Kiss someone?"

"I mean, I want to," Jisung explained and shrugged. "But I never had anyone to kiss I guess."

"What about Felix?" Chan asked, sort of curious.

Jisung shook his head. "No, we never did. Also, that's weird, I don't know why, but that doesn't seem right?" He looked away, curious himself why that was. He knew Felix was attractive, but he was never attracted to Felix that way. And he was sure the feeling was mutual for the other.

"I know why," Minho whispered from beside Jisung who was also sitting on the same couch.

"Why?" Jisung asked, genuinely curious.

Minho didn't reply for a few seconds, looking over to the group scattered around the room, contemplating his answer. "Because you're a chicken, that's why," Minho settled on, and poked Jisung's forehead lightly, reaching over the middle seat between them.

Jisung swatted his hand away and grimaced.

"Well, there's lots of guys here," Seungmin reminded, in his tipsy and friendly haze, "Pick one."

Everyone looked at Seungmin in surprise, not expecting him to be the one to suggest that. But it turned out, when Seungmin was drunk, he was really honest.

"That's weird..." Jisung whispered, biting his lip, embarrassed under everyone's gaze.

"It's not weird," Jeongin interjected with a smile. "Who do you wanna kiss?"

"Nah," Jisung shook his head no, unconfident. "That's gonna make it awkward later. We're all just drunk right now I think..."

"Probably wants to kiss Chan hyung or Changbin hyung," Minho teased. "Always gushing over them."

"No, I don't," he protested weakly.

"Yeah okay," Minho scoffed. "Oh my god they're so cool! Did you hear the new song they made? Wow they must work out a lot," he mocked.

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