Return to Omashu

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"I cant believe it.... I know the war has spread far, but Omashu always seemed untouchable." Aang said looking out to Omashu.

"Up until now it was. Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom left."

"This is Horrible. But we have to move on." Katara said looking at Aang.

"No! I am going to find Bumi. Aang you with me?" I asked. He nodded.

"Alana stop, we don't even know if Bumi is still..."

"Still what Sokka"


"I know you guys had your hearts set on Bumi but there are other people who can teach you earth bending." Katara said trying to make a point.

"This isn't about finding a teacher..."

"Yeah, this is about finding our friend."

We made out way towards Omashu. We went towards a secret passage instead of the main entrance.

"A secret passage? Why didn't we do this last time?"

"Does that answer your question" Aang said as he opened the passage and a bunch of sewer sludge came out.


We went into the passage. Aang was air bending the sludge and Katara was waterbending the sludge then sokka who was behind them was just getting covered. I chose to also Air bend. The sun had set by the time we made it into the city. Aang popped the lid over and we were in the middle of the street. Sokka came out covered in sludge so I water bended it all off of him.


Then we noticed some purple pentapusses on his face and got them off. But they left marks on his face.

"Hey! What are you kids doing out past curfew?" A fire nation soldier shouted

"Sorry. We were just on our way home." I said

"Wait whats the matter with him" The soldier asked talking about sokkas face.

"He has... pentapox sir. Its very contagious. And deadly." I said and the soldiers ran away to burn their clothes.

We had made it to the backstreets of Omashu. We started climbing on to a buliding area.

"Lets find Bumi and get out of here"

"Where would they be keeping him?" Sokka asked Aang.

"Somewhere he couldn't earth bend, somewhere made of medal".

We started walking but then some bolders came falling down the hill me and Aang quickly air bended and saved the people at the bottom who were going to get hit.

"The resistance!" Some lady holding a baby yelled. Then someone next to her started attacking us. We started to run away as some Soldiers were running after us. Katara water whipped one of them as I blew the other off the ledge. The girl was still chasing us. Throwing her little darts at us. Katara made a wall of ice to protect us and we continued running. We were about to stop and fight back when the ground under us took us. We landed in a room with a lot of people in it.

A bit of time passes...

"So is King Bumi with you guys" Aang asked.

"No, the day of the invasion. We got ready for battle. We were ready to fight but before we even had the chance, King Bumi surrendered. He looked dme in the eye and said we were going to do nothing about it. Fighting the fire nation is the only path to freedom."

"Or you could just leave Omashu. You are directing all your energy to fight the fire nation but your out numbered. You can't win. now is the time to retreat so you can live to fight another day."

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