The Library

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Aang brought us to almost like the desert, there were no plants except for a few weeds and there were a ton of holes everywhere. Aang was sitting on the ground with a flute in his hand.

"What's even out here?"

"A lot actually Sokka, There's hundreds of little-"

"Shh! I know you can see underground, but don't ruin the surprise, just watch."

Aang then started playing the flute and every note he played a little mole would come out of the ground and sing that same note.

"I am putting an orchestra together!" Aang said putting his arms up in victory.

"Orchestra, huh? Well LA DI DA.

He continued to play when Sokka went up to him and plugged the flute.

"This is great and all, but dont we have more important things to worry about? We should be making plans."

"We did make plans."

"Yeah Sokka, We all get to pick a mini vacation."

"Alana, there's no time for vacations."

"Come on Sokka, me and Aang are learning the elements as fast as we can. We practice hard everyday with Toph and Katara. We have literally been training our arrows off"

"Yeah whats so wrong with having a little fun in our down time?"

"Even when you two do learn all the elements, then what? It's not like we have a map of the fire nation. Should we just head west until we reach the Fire Lords house? Knock, Knock! Hello, Fire Lord! Anyone home? I don't think so. We need some intelligence if we are going to win this war."

"Fine, we'll finish our vacations. And then we can look for Sokkas intelligence. " As Katara said that we all started laughing.

As we headed back on Appa we opened our map to choose because it was Kataras turn next to choose.

"How about the misty palms oasis? That sounds refreshing."

"Oh yeah, me and Aang have been there many times!"

"Yeah, It's like a pristine natural ice ground."

"It's one of nature's wonders!"

So we headed out and once we got there it was nothing like it used to be. It was all dried up.

"Must have changed ownership since we were here huh Aang."

As soon as we walked in the sign above us crashed down and broke. We walked past the oasis and into a little bar type thing. There were some shady sand benders outside leaning against the wall so we just walked right past them.

"I don't see anything wrong with having one of those fruity beverages while we plan our strategy." Sokka pushed passed us and ran up to the man.

"Excuse me!"

As we were about to go walk to a table I ran right into a man. He spilt his drink all over me.

"Oh I am so sorry! Let me clean that up."

"No it's alright I clean up easy." Then I air bended all the drink off my clothes.

"Omg, You are a living relic!"

"Hey so am I!"

"Indeed you are! 2 air nomads right infront of me. Professor Zei, head of anthropology at Ba Sing Se University, Tell me which of the air temples do you hail from." As Zei said that he grabbed our arms and looked at out tattoos.

"Uh, we come from the Southern Temple."

"Oh splendid! Now tell me, what was the primary agricultural product of your people?" Once he said that he grabbed a measuring thing and put it over Aangs head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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