Guess who: chapter 4

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⚘ Millie ⚘

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As I opened up my locker, the scent of books and cherries filled my nostrils. I carefully tucked my binders inside, organizing them neatly next to my pens and pencils. Just as I was about to close the door, a pair of hands covered my eyes, blocking out the flickering lights of the hallway.

"Guess who?" a familiar deep voice whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but smile, playing along with the game. "Hmm, let me think," I replied, my voice filled with sarcasm. The hands were removed from my face, and I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.

It was Eli, my new best friend who I hadn't seen since last weekend. He stood there with a mischievous grin on his face, his arms outstretched as if ready to embrace me. Without hesitation, he planted his hands on my shoulders and spun me around, causing me to gasp in surprise. "Eli, no way!" I exclaimed, covering my mouth in shock. He simply chuckled and nodded, his eyes filled with pride. "It's me," he said confidently, a twinkle in his eye.

"The first lacrosse game is tonight, you should come." He suggested and I shook my head. "I don't know, I don't know anything about lacrosse." I closed my locker, placing my bag over my shoulder. "Then come, watch, and maybe you'll enjoy it." He wasn't wrong, but I'm not sure how well I'll be able to understand a sport. My dad was never big on sports so it wasn't something I'm familiar with.

"Please," he pleaded, "it'll mean a lot to me." He smiled down at me, his stupid freaking dimples on full display. "Fine, fine, only because I'll see the cute players." I let out a laugh, getting a glare in return. "Not funny." He rolls his eyes, beginning to walk away. "I thought it was pretty funny," I chuckle to myself, proud of my joke.

The day went by slowly, and time felt still. Life has calmed down, and it doesn't seem as hectic anymore. The hour slowly turned into minutes, the minutes turned into seconds, and the second the bell rang I am immediately out the door.

I'm not one to hate big crowds, but I've begun feeling claustrophobic with the new surroundings. I'm still getting used to this school, even though it feels like I've been here for months. Lately, everything has been feeling more foggy than usual. It's like some of my brain is getting erased each day I make new memories.

My life doesn't feel like mine sometimes, it feels like the pain and trauma's my mind has endeared over the last few months. I have to ask myself if something was real or fake, rather or not I was making up stuff; if I'm delusional. It all makes me feel like l'm going crazy. Then suddenly I'm back with Eli sitting near the lake, or I'm taking a picture of my aunt drinking her coffee, then suddenly everything feels alright.

I'm not sure if anything will ever go back to the way things were before. My body will always have scars that won't fade or go away and that will forever haunt me in ways I never imagined.

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