Theater girl: chapter 10

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⚘ Millie ⚘

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Today is finally the day when I get to addition for the Beauty and the Beast at my school theater, and I'm filled with lots of different emotions.

At the beginning of the school year, I was so scared to make any short of friends. I stuck to myself and only hung out with Eli, but after the day with Savannah it changed my mind set.

She introduced me to her friends, who introduced me to their friends, and now I short of just know everyone around school. I wouldn't say I'm friends with everyone, but I know them.

The other night, Derek called up my aunt asking to speak to me, and I was genuinely terrified. But She brought me over and instead of some scary experience I thought I was going to have, me and him had a great talk about Eli. Derek is like an uncle to me and it's easier that way.

At first when I used to go over it would be awkward. Me and Eli would stay in his room, but now I'm less scared to be around Derek. Eli is still not so fond over his father but I think he's been warming up to him.

Yesterday Derek surprised Eli with stiles old Jeep. The sheriff and Derek talked, and they've noticed how well he's been doing despite the fight from the other week. Not to mention, Eli has some type of connection to the Jeep and his father has fixed it up so it's drivable.

I have my bag packed and ready to go as I walk down the stairs to my aunt. She was waiting at the bottom, ready to say goodbye. "Eli is here." She informed me, as I looked out the window to see him parked in the driveway. 

She opened the door for me. "Good luck." She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'll be here waiting to hear all about how you got the role." She promised, waving to Eli, who smiled in response. "Thank you, aunt Melissa." 

She closed the door behind me, and as I'm about to open the door, Eli yells at me to stop. "No, Millie, I open the door for you." He shakes his head, like I should've known. He quickly walks over to my side and opened up the door.

I set down my bag and jumped into the seat. "Thanks, but I can open the door myself," I said with a smile as he ignored my statement and instructed me to raise my arms. Following his direction, I lifted my arms, allowing him to buckle my seatbelt and shut the door.

Eli made me a lot less nervous. "Thanks for picking me up." I leaned my head against the seat, shoving a piece of gum into my mouth. He looked at me for a moment before turning back to the road. "You already know, anytime you need a ride, I'll always be there." He says, promising me like usual.

Eli has always been one to keep a promise. He's never broken any of them, and he's always been right there to pick me up with Derek. As the drive to school was short, it was a roller coaster. I was practicing my lines, and applying makeup.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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