Jump the fence: chapter 6

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⚘ Millie ⚘

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Weekends are always my favorite time of the week. Not because there's no school, but because Eli and I do dumb crap around town. I'm not one to go out of my comfort zone but when I started to hang out with Eli doing things we aren't supposed to do became the new normal.

I think I should rephrase that. Things Eli shouldn't be doing became the new normal. He did all the illegal crap, and I would watch him, or in this case drive in, that illegal crap. Yeah, Eli has an obsession with the jeep, and honestly I don't blame him. It's oddly comforting.

I texted Scott about the jeep the other day which was probably a bad idea because he's my older cousin and will gladly tell aunt Melissa for my own safety, but instead of snitching on me, he told me many stories about the jeep.

The jeep used to belong to his best friend Stiles and since Stiles is away putting out fires wherever he is, Derek actually fixed the jeep and keeps it hidden away to save it for whenever Stiles comes to visit.

Sometimes me and Eli go into Beacon Hills Preserve at night to watch the stars. I enjoy it more each time we do it, but there's also a bit of my heart to feels guilty because I know we aren't supposed to be in there after dark. But I there's that other part of me which knows, 'sometimes rules need to be broken.' Yeah, that isn't the worst thing I could be doing, but I've never disobeyed the rules because my parents taught me better than that. Or which I thought they did, at least. And that's exactly why I feel so guilty doing it. I know it would disappoint my parents if they were here.

A part of me does it because I want to do absolutely everything Eli is doing because I enjoy being with him all the time, but it also distracts me from the pain I've been hiding away for months. Eli distracts me from absolutely everything I have going on in my life. Even if it's positive or negative. Sometimes I catch myself lying to Eli about certain things such as taking Stiles jeep. I don't mind riding in it, which is probably selfish, but I absolutely hate the idea of being the one taking the jeep.

I am aware that Eli would be content spending time in my room or swimming in the lake, but as a good friend, it is important for me to prioritize his interests over my own. Therefore, I have decided to go out and have fun with Eli.

Eli takes his bag off his shoulder and tosses it over the fence of his dad's autobody shop. "I'll go over first," He tells me, "but I'll catch you." He says the last part very seriously, looking me in the eyes, so I know he's being serious.

He waits for me to respond, so I do, "alright." I nod with a quick smile, showing him I understand and appreciate him. He turns around and climbs up the fence at a steady pace and hops down without a problem. Ladies and gentlemen, we have Mr. Spider-Man in the damn house. I bet money I'm going to fall onto Eli and break his entire body. Is it a bad time to say I regret this and want to go home to my bed? Definitely. I take a deep breath before placing my hands onto the fence. "What if I fall Eli," I look at him with panic in my eyes and I shake my head. "I'm scared." I admit, looking up at him through to fence and his face softens at my words.

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