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1:30 AM

Groaning I open my eyes but quickly shut them back due to the blinding light that was over my head.

I open them back and blinked my eyes a couple times to get use to the light before opening them fully.

I take my Time to look around the room and the sight that caught my eyes cause my heart to flutter.

D'Angelo was on the couch that was in the corner of the hospital room with his hoodie over his head with his earpods in his ears listening to music.

The last thing I remember happening was that I was driving to savanna house when a car started to follow me and ran Me off of the road and made my car flip.

I tried to  sit up in the bed but I was greeted with a sharp painin my abdomen.

There were  bandage on my arms and legs and a big one that was wrapped around my abdomen.

I heard shuffling on the couch and when I looked my eyes made four with D'Angelo's.

He quickly got up from off of the couch and made this way over to me.

" Can get some water please ", I said as soon as he was beside of me.

He went and got the water and sat on the bed beside me. He took my hand into his and began tracing circles an the back of my hand.

I took a good look at my hard and when I realized what  missing  my heart sank.

I didn't have on my ring

I dragged my hand from out of the hold of D'Angelo's long fingers.

He began to talk but drowned him out as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Which part mi ring deh" I said while i started to full blown cry.

I movedvmy hands to cover my face.

I felt d'Angelo holding onto my hand and  then pried them off of my fave

"Babes stop e bawling" I heard him say  and I start to cry even harder as tears  paint my face.

"Babes mi we buy you wah next ring jus stop e bawling" he said.

"But a Dat deh ring deh me like" I said while sniffling.

"And you still have your one and my one lost" I said.

He took off his ring and did the unthinkable, he tossed the ring threw the window that was open in the room.

"Why you do that" I said raising my hand to hit him but I was greeted with an unbearable pain so I did what and normal person would do.

"Bomboclatt" I cried out.

I started to cry because of the excruciating pain that I was in.

"Mi a go fi wah doctor an come back " D'Angelo said as he left the room.

My whole body felt as if it was on fire and the constant pain that I was feeling didn't make it any better.

I dosed off because I felt like if I didn't sleep I would probably die.

About a minute after I dozed off I felt someone waking me.

I opened my eyes and It was the doctor.

She was dark skinned and had round eyes and a small mouth.

When I looked beside of her I saw mummy.

"Mummy" mi sorry I said and began to cry again.

She came over to me and began reassuring me that none of this is my fault.

After our pity party the doctor gave me some meds and explained how I should care for my bandages.

I am going home tomorrow.

I began to talk to mommy and the doctor was leaving.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw her look me up and down and roll her eyes.

"Hello doctor" I shout after her before she could fully leave the room.

"Yes " she answered but it sounded like she didn't want to.

"Why yah look pah me so" I asked her not beating around the bush.

"Pardon me" she said in her squeaky voice.

"Doh bloodclatt pardon me, when yah come out a did room mi see you a look pah mi wid bad eye so noh come pardon me".

"Please calm down, maybe the meds are making you see things" she said.

"D'Angelo please contain your girlfriend she said to D'Angelo who was sitting on the couch.

"Ohhh I get it I "said while laughing.

"You and D'Angelo use to fuck a dats why you come a gobe me bad eye cause you jealous."

"Well guess what D'Angelo a my man and there's nothing you can do about it."

We neva a go leff suh you can stop hope and you can stop give Me bad eye cause Me and D'Angelo Aziel Jackson are forever soul mates suh nothing weh you do cyah break we up cause we locked in tight like a boodie hole.

I heard D'Angelo dying from laughter on the couch.

"Yow reniqua life up from out yah before mi haffi come move you" he said with no emotion whatsoever on his face.

Renk walked out of the room looking angry as hell but guess what I don't give one fuck.

Why ?

Because D'Angelo is my MAN and no gyal nah come tek him from me.


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