05 | The sign that we are in the Clear

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The rest of the week went by fast like the wind and now it was Friday. I am ready to spend the weekend with my two best friends or my boyfriend or maybe both if the opportunity appears.

I gathered up my things from my desk and placed them inside my backpack. I placed my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. I stood up from my chair and started making my way toward the exit of the classroom.

As I was exiting the classroom of my last class of the day, I felt my phone vibrating in the back pocket of my jeans. I walked into the hallway joining the other students. I took my phone out of the pocket of my jeans.

I didn't stop walking as I headed toward the exit of the building. Without lifting my eyes from my phone, I unlocked it. Sitting on top of the notifications, there was a recent text message from Beck.

Beck👭: Lenora, Alfred, and Cyrus can we meet up somewhere private? 

My best friend had texted our group chat named The Core Four. Cyrus, himself, had chosen the group name back when we were freshmen.

Her text message left an uneasy gut feeling at the bottom of my stomach as I walked out of the building lifting my gaze from my phone every so often to make sure that I didn't bump into anyone on my way out.

Once I was standing outside on the college campus, I stood with my back leaning against a cement column watching a typing bubbles from my boyfriend on my phone's screen. A few seconds later, my boyfriend's text appeared on our group chat.

Alf🖤: Hi Beck, Cyrus and I, are free for the rest of the evening. Beck and Lena, you can meet us at our dorm room where we are going to privacy.

Me: Hey everyone, that sounds like a plan. I will be there soon.

I am sending my response to our group chat as I push myself  away from the column. I started making my walk toward the boys's dorm room. My phone in my hand lit up at a text message from Beck in our group chat.

Beck👭: That sounds like a good place to meet up. I am leaving my classroom, see you guys soon.

After I finished reading her text message, I locked my phone and placed it in one of the back pockets of my jeans. I knew of a shortcut that I would arrive faster at the boys's dorm room so I started walking toward it.


I was still catching my breath, standing in front of the door of Alfred and Cyrus's dorm room. I don't know how but I managed to get here in under ten minutes. This must be the fastest walk that I haven't done since my freshman year.

Before knocking on their door I took a quick look at the surroundings around me. I was the only one standing in the middle of the hallway.

The door opened after a few seconds of the noise of my knuckle against the wooden door moving throughout the empty hallway. The person holding the door open was my boyfriend. His eyes landed on me at the same time his lips formed a wide smile.

"Hey, Lena, baby, you got here fast. I am impressed, please come in." He opened the door wider, giving me the space between him and the door to walk inside of his door room.

I stepped into his dorm room before walking any further from the entryway. I stood on my tippy toes and placed a soft kiss on my boyfriend's cheek. "Hi, babe, tell me about it. I walked toward here so fast that my body felt like I had run a marathon."

Right behind my boyfriend let out a small laugh as he closed the front door. I took off my backpack over my shoulders instead of placing it on the ground like I usually do. I placed it on the kitchen counter.

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