18 | The truth always come out

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The day after my sister had called, a new development about the case came out to the world throughout the news outlets. I didn't have time to read one of the many news articles or have the guts to read them because I received an email from my lawyer. In the email, my lawyer informed me that this Friday there will be a trial in the case to figure out if Alfred is a murderer or if it was an accidental death caused by self-defense.

The lawyer representing Alfred wanted to know if I was willing to give a witness statement to help with my boyfriend's case. I didn't have to think twice about helping my boyfriend and getting him out of prison. I am the main reason that he is in this situation so it would be wrong for me not to help him.

I hit pause on my music as I typed my response and sent it to my lawyer. Seconds later, the door of my bedroom opened, Beck walked in and sat down on my desk chair.

"Did you receive an email from your lawyer regarding Alfred's trial this Friday?" Beck asked me, looking at me.

I dropped my phone on the mattress and then I took my AirPods off my ears and placed them next to my phone on my bed. "Yes, I did and I already told my lawyer that I am willing to give a witness statement. I would do anything to help with my boyfriend's case."

While I was responding to her question, she was listening to me. "I knew that you were going to say yes without hesitation. I also responded to my lawyer telling him yes. I am on the same page as you. I would do everything in my power to get him out of that horrible place."

I looked back at my best friend, smiling at her words. "I want him out of there as soon as possible."

"Me too, I feel he is going to be back here with us very soon."


I wish that I could say that the next couple of days leading to my boyfriend's trial got easier. But I would be lying if I said that they were easier. During those days, I had multiple eyes on me, following me everywhere I was. And that wasn't the only thing I had noticed, the people around me seemed to have ears and I could hear the whispers around me.

As much as I wanted to hide in my dorm room and wait for this unwanted attention to disappear, I didn't because I didn't want to show them any weakness. The day of Alfred's trial had arrived. I am super ready for everyone to learn that my boyfriend is not a killer.

I was standing in front of my full mirror looking at myself, checking out if the outfit was appropriate for a courtroom. A soft knock on the other side of my bedroom's door pulled my attention away from the mirror.

"Come in!" I yelled as I walked towards my desk and picked up my purse from the desk. I heard the door being opened along with footsteps.

"Lenora, are you ready to go?" I heard my sister asking me

right behind me. My sister insisted on coming with me today to the courtroom to show support for me, my boyfriend, Cyrus, and Beck.

I placed my purse over my right shoulder and turned around to face my sister. "Kara, yes, I am ready to get this over with and I am glad that I am going to see my boyfriend. I have a question for you, Kara, do you think this outfit looks good for a courtroom?"

My sister showed me a soft smile as she looked at the outfit I decided to wear today. "Lenora, don't worry, you always look amazing, especially in dark blue. Dark blue is always going to be your color."

I felt a wide smile spreading on my lips as I looked back at my sister. "Thank you, Kara. We should go, I don't want to be late. Oh, by the way, how did you get inside?"

My sister didn't look away from me as she returned my smile. "You're welcome, my dear sister. You're right, we should get going, Colton is waiting for us in the car. To answer your question, Beck let me in."

I nodded at my sister's response as I walked out of my room and entered the living room where I saw Beck standing, placing her belongings inside of her purse. "Beck, do you want to catch a ride with us?"

At the sound of my voice, Beck paused what she was doing and looked at me. "Hey, Lenora, yes, I would love that, thank you."

"You're welcome. Come on, we need to go, my sister's boyfriend is waiting for us downstairs. Beck, do you know where Cyrus is?" I asked her, hearing my sister closing my bedroom door behind me.

"A couple of minutes ago, he texted our group chat saying that he was going to meet us at the courtroom." Beck replied to my question as she resumed placing the remaining of her belongings inside of her purse and then once Beck was done she closed her purse. "Are you ready for this, Lenora?"

"Okay, then let's go downstairs." I told my best friend, looking at her. "Beck, yes I am more than ready to bring my boyfriend home and prove that he is not a killer."


Final chapter word count: 911

Total book word count: 23384

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