14 | The moment things hit the fan

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For the second time, I pulled my car into the parking lot of the police station. I parked it in the first parking lot available that I saw. I placed my car into the ignition before looking at the passenger's seat.

"Babe, are you ready for this?" I asked him, taking off my seat belt.

My boyfriend did the same thing as he looked at me. "I think so. I am just very nervous about this, Lena."

I showed him a small smile not taking my eyes off him. "I am sure that things will go great. They probably will ask you about that night like they did to me and Beck."

"I hope so, we will see what happens." He returned my smile, looking away from my eyes to check the time on his phone. "As much as I love spending time with you. I should get going, the faster I do this, the better."

"Text me or call me when you're done and I will pick up, babe." I opened up the driver's door but didn't walk out of my car just yet. "Glad to hear that the feeling is mutual, I could spend all of my time with you if I could."

My boyfriend laughed at my comment which I call a success because I was trying to lighten up the mood before he and I went our separate ways for about an hour at least. At the same time, my boyfriend and I got out of my car. I leaned my back against the driver's window, hearing the passenger's door being closed.

A few seconds later, my boyfriend appeared in front of me with a wide smile. "A kiss for good luck?"

I let out a small laugh before looking at my boyfriend, matching his smile. "You will look for any excuse to kiss me but yes I will give you a kiss for good luck."


I exited my car, holding two bags of food from Taco Bell and two water bottles. With my free hand, I locked my car before I walked towards the entrance of the dorm's building. I opened one of the glass doors, walked into the lobby, and headed straight to the elevator. I pushed one of the buttons to call the elevator.

As I was standing in the empty lobby, waiting for the elevator to get here, I was left alone with my thoughts. Since I left Taco Bell's drive-thru, I have been thinking about how it has been two whole hours since I dropped off my boyfriend at the police station. Two hours since I saw him was when we pulled away from each other's lips ending our kiss. Alfred hugged me before he walked towards the entrance of the police station to meet up with his lawyer and that's the last time I saw him or heard from him.

As his girlfriend, of course, I am worried about him for the reason that I should have heard from him by now. I really hope that he is okay and nothing bad happened to him during the interview at the police station. I know that I don't have anything else to do besides waiting to see if I get either a text message or a call from my boyfriend.

The doors of the elevator opened in front of me pulling me away from my worrying thoughts. I entered the empty elevator and quickly pushed the button on the floor that I needed to go. A few seconds later, the doors closed and I started watching the numbers go up. Eventually, the elevator stopped at my floor and the doors opened. I walked out of the elevator and at the same time two students entered the elevator.

I made my way toward my dorm room, and thanks to the use of my free hand, I was able to get my keys out of my back pocket. I placed the key in the keyhole, unlocked the door, and walked in.

"Hey Beck, are you here?" I asked, closing the door behind me and I made sure to lock it before walking further into the dorm room.

I headed straight to the kitchen, placing the two bags of food down on the counter. That's when I noticed, both Beck and Cyrus sitting down on the couch.

"Cyrus, I didn't know you were going to be here." I smiled softly, joining them in the living room. "Have any of you heard from Alfred? I haven't and I'm worried about him, I should hear from him."

Beck and Cyrus looked at each other sharing a mix of worried and scared expressions before they looked at me. At this exact moment, I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Lenora, you haven't heard?" Beck spoke first, asking me as she stood up from the couch and walked towards me.

"Haven't heard what?" I looked at her, trying to read her facial expression. "Beck, please tell me, you are scaring me."

"Lenora, Alfred was arrested by the police department." Beck broke the news as she offered me a sad smile.

"No, you're kidding!" I said, shaking my head in disbelief, I looked away from her and started to look at Cyrus. "Cyrus, please tell me that she is kidding."

Cyrus stood up from the couch as well and he walked toward us. "Lenora, sadly, she is not kidding. Beck is telling the truth but I wished that she was lying."

I felt my smile drain away from my lips as panic settled into my body. "How do you know he was arrested?"

Beck before answering my question, placed each of her hands on my shoulders as she looked at me straight in my eyes. "I know he was arrested because he called me from the police station. Alfred called me for the reason, he wanted me to be the person to tell you."

I didn't say anything to either of them after Beck finished talking. All that exited out of my body was sobs as I started crying. Beck didn't waste time wrapping her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. It wasn't long until Cyrus joined our hug.

This was the moment shit hit the fan.


There is nothing wrong with adding a little bit of drama.

Final chapter word count: 1,036

Total book word count: 19,032

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