chapter 1

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*zayden is a 5 year old he is obviously going to be quite babyish.*


Andy watched as the sun was setting, her son laying on her lap.

The sound of the waves made time stop.

She loved going her when she was pregnant with Zayden.

It made her feel safe. It still does.

This way, she's away from all the dangours of this world.

Her son is safe.

They have each other, and that's all they need.

"Mommy?" She heard her sons sleepy voice say, she looked down at her brown eyes curly haired son.

"What wrong, Mijo?" He sits himself up before wrapping his small arms around Andy.

"I love you, Mommy." He gucks his head into her neck whilst Andy wraps her arms around him.

"I love you too, sweetheart, now let's go home it's getting a little bit cold." She says whilst standing up and holding Zayden close.


After dropping zayden off at her dad's, Andy headed towards the station.

Today was the day everyone at the station had been waiting for. They were getting intoroduce to the new captain.

After Andys dad's diagnosis, the department had spent a few months on training new people for the captian position as well as looking through different people who might be able to take over.

As much as Andy wanted to go out for the position, she has zayden, and it is too much on her plate to handle.

Maybe when Zayden was older or she met someone, she'd go out for a position. The latter was not exactly on andys to do a list. She'd gotten her heart broken and felt horrid for months after her relationship with Zaydens father she didn't think she'd be able to get her heart broken again, not now that she has Zay.

She pulled up to the station and parked in her usal spot, one spot from being directly outside the door.

She turned her car off and slid out the car.

She headed to the trunk and opened it, realising how much she actually had to clean out the car.

A few of zays old baby clothes and toys she's been meaning to take to goodwill, a massive diperbag she never uses and all the shopping bags she swears she'll yous at the grocery store instead of buying a new bag which she never does.

Letting out a sigh, she grabs her overnight bag.

Unfortunately, the first shift with the new captain is a 24-hour shift.

Not exactly what they wanted.

She closed her trunk and walked towards the entrance.

Her fingers wrapped around the cold metal handle before she pulled the door open.

Stepping into the threshold of station 19.

The station she grew up in, the station in which she ran around wearing turnouts that her papi wore.

The station where she went through many heartbreaks.

The station where she felt at home.

The station in which she took her son to on their first outing together.

The station she had so many laughs in.

The station Zay took his first steps.

She takes a deep breath whilst thinking of all the amazing memories she has here.

Knowing that soon the station is going to have a different feel to it.

Once she was done, remember all her fond memories she headed straight to the locker room.

Not many people should be here as it's an hour before shift, but she wanted to make sure everything was set for the new captain, meaning if she was on her hands and knees cleaning the whole station she would be.


Once she was changed into her uniform, she headed to the barn and started cleaning and counting all the equipment in the engines.

She had her airpods in and was listening to her cleaning mix.

Humming along with the song, she was getting work that takes the team a day to do within 20 minutes.

By the time the team was here, she had already cleared the barn, the equipment, the front desk, and the capians office and bunk before they got their.

She left the captians office and saw that Millier had a doughnut on a plate and was sat at the front desk.

"You drop any crums, and you'll be desaparecido." She said with her hands on her hips, Dean looked over at her sceptically.


"Right, I'll eat it in the benary then." Andy laughed at the scared expression on her face.

He quickly scurried off to the Benary.

She walked over to the desk and quickly gave the desk a wipe

"How's Zayden, Andy?" Andy turned her head around to see the owner of the voice, low and behold it was her best friend, Victoria Hughes, voice

"He's great, still asking when he can stay at Antie vics again, tho." She let out a little giggle at the end.

"Ah, so same old Zay then." Vic says whilst taking a seat on the spinney chair.

"Okay, so if it isn't, Zayden, that's making you turn into a clean freak, then who?" Andy rolled her eyes.

"What, can a woman not want to clean?" Vic shakes her head.

"No, a woman can, but Andrea Herrera, who spent money on a maid, doesn't choose to clean." Ben says, walking down the stairs.

"Okay, that's a fair point." She says whilst folding the rag.

"I mean, it's just..." She's cut off by the sound of the door opening.

In walk cheif Ripley and the last person she ever wanted to see.

"Good morning,hughs, warren and herrera, I'd like to introduce Robert sulivan, your new captain." Andys heart dropped to her stomach.

She threw her hand to her mouth.

"I'm going to be sick." She said whilst running to the toilet, Vic following closely behind.

'How can he be here,' she thought to herself.


Okay, thought, what do we think of the third person and new story???

Please don't be a quiet reader. I'd love to heat your feedback.

Anyway, I'll see you in the next one.

By my loves <3

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