chapter 9

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Robert's pov.

As soon as I get to the station, I call Pruitt.

He tells me he's on the way to the hospital with Zay.

Soph doesn't finish school for another 4 hours, but yet, I find myself driving to her school.

Once I pull up, I walk into the reception.

"Hello, I'm Robert sulivan,  Sophia Sullivans father, I'm here to collect her early." The woman looks at me down her long nose.

I'm in my crew shirt. It's halfway tucked into my pants, I have dirt all over my face.

"Right, but I next time, you'll have to come dressed.... appropriately, as well as call ahead." I cross my arms over my chest.

"I am dressed appropriately, I have judt came off a shift saving one of seattles hotels, when my Lieutenant and firefighter got trapped and are noe in the hospital, so my apologies for not calling ahead, I didn't think I would have to, to collet MY child." She rolls her eyes.

"Perhaps you could have gotten your wife to call ahead for you." I scoff.

"My wife died 7 years ago, now let me have my child." She nods awkwardly before picking up the phone and probably dialling my daughters class teacher.

A few moments later, I saw Soph walking out, I tried Brading her poney tails this morning, and they looked pretty cute.

She comes running over, and I grab her in My arms, holding her close before picking her up.

"You're all dirty, Dad." She giggles.

"I know, soph, bit silly, isn't it." She nods before I place her down, I hold her hand.

I sent a scowl at the women before we walked out the door.

We walk to the car park, once she spots the car, she runs to her door and waits for me to open it.

Once I do, she hops into her seat and buckles it.

I hop into the front seat and head to grey-slone.

The whole team there from what I've heard.

"Vati, we're we going." I look at her through my mirror.

"Well, few of my friends have gotten hurt, so we're going to go see how they are, is that okay, sweetheart?" She nods.

"I hope they're okay." She says, a small glimmer in her eye.

"Do you think they'd like a get well soon card?" I smile.

"I thanked they'd love that, Prinzessin." She smiles. One thing about my little girl is that she has all of Claires Qualities and eyes but my face.

Her sweetness and the way she cares so much about people even if she doesn't know who they are. She's far too good for this world, and it breaks me that she is going to have to learn that not everyone is as nice as they seem.


We pull up outside the hospital after a minor detor to target for her to get car and pens to make the cards.

We walk into the hospital, her hand in mine.

I walk up to the nurses' station.

"Andrea herrera and Ben Warren, I'm their boss." He nods.

"Your people are in the first waiting room." He says before catching eyes with my daughter.

"Would you like a lollipop?" She smiles widely and nods.

The nurse grabs the lollipop and passes it to her.

"Thank you, sir." She says whilst looking up at him.

"You're very welcome, little miss." He says before we walk towards the waiting room the teams in.

And sure enough, they're all there.

Hughes had Zayden on her lap he's playing on someone's phone.

Montgomery, Gibson,and millier all sat talking.

And pruitt and Bishop are in a heated discussion.

"Vati, look, it's Zayden." She says, jumping up and down.

His head snaps up.

"Sophia?" He looks at her confused.

After a few seconds, he hops down off of hughes lap.

They both run towards each other, they hug each other, I have a ball in my throat.

"Want to make get well soon cards?" She says, showing him the target bag. He nodded, and they went to a small table.

Hughes walks over to me.

"Sir, may we talk in private?" I nod.

"Trav, watch the kids?" He nods.

We both walk to a quiet corner.

"Look, I know your zaydens dad." My eyes widen.

"I've known since before you probably." I feel my heart sink. "So I know you and Andy have history." I nod slowly.

"So, I'm going to tell you everythibg I've been told, her lungs don't look clear, they said somthibg about being without oxygen for to long, they also saw there were a few lasherations on her legs. From what they don't know, they've put her on a ventalater and have sedated her so she doesn't chock on it." A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Right, uhm, thanks, Hughes." My throats dry.

"I'll watch your kids if you need a moment to yourself." I nod and let out a small thank you.

She walks away whilst I slide down the wall.

"I did this, I didn't get to her in time." I say whilst pressing the heels of my hands into my eyes.


I ran up the stairs after her, catching her and throwing her over my shoulder. She laughs loudly.

"Sully, put me down." She gigled whilst I threw her down onto the soft mattress.

Her brown wavy hair lands all over her.

I placed a kiss on her temple and lay beside her.

"Sully, if I ever get hurt, i want you there beside me, no matter what." I pull her small frame in. She lays her head on my chest.

"I'll always be there, Ands." I run my hand through her long locks.

She looks up at me.

"Sully?" I nod whilst kissing her lips.

"Please, don't ever leave me." I shake my head.

"I wouldn't ever want to, your my amore." She smiles at me like a kid in a toy store.

"And you're mine."

/end of flashback/

I tilt my head back. It hits the wall with a bang.

I run my hand over my face before hearing to find her.


I walk over to her bedside, and I sit down in the chair beside her.

I hold her hand in grasp.

"I saw Zaydeb today, Ands. Him and Soph are already best friends. I need you to get better, we need you, we all do." I say, placing a kiss to her knuckls.

In that moment, I knew I wasn't leaving these 4 walls until she woke up, no matter how many shifts I miss, how many late nights I had.

I made her a promise and I won't brake another one.


Soo what did you think if this chapter.

I quite like it.

I'll see you in my next one.

By my loves


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