chapter 5

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no ones pov

after a while the father daughter duo left the cemetery, in hopes to turn the down feeling the pair had, Robert chose to take Soph to the ice cream shop, just a 10 minute from the cemetery.

They were both sinning along to Disney princess songs, and he was happy to see she had a smile on her face.

whilst the last verse of let it go started playing , they had pulled up outside, Mr Johns ice cream parlour.

once he had his car parked, he turned to Soph.

"What ice cream are you going to get?" she shrugged.

"What do they have?" she asked, taping her chin curiously.

"Well, chicken, why don't we go and see?" she nodded eagerly, "unbuckle your sear whilst i come around to your door." Robert said, whilst sliding out the car and making his way to her side of the car.

she hopped out of the car, and Robert took her hand. The two walked into parlour, heading straight towards the flavours.

little did Robert know, Andy and Zayden are sitting in a booth right at the back.

Zay sat across from Andy, Mint chock chip ice cream all over his face and a big chessy grin plastered across his face.

after their trip to the beach, they allways go to the ice cream parlour.

"Mommy, look, it's that man." Zay said from his seat, pointing towards Robert.

Andy had a gut reaching feeling. She didn't want to turn around, but with Zayden constantly pointing towards the mysterious man she had a feeling she might know, she had to turn around.

She turned around and instantly noticed Robert. Her heart instantly dropped when she saw a little girl standing beside him. The two were laughing with one another.

Her vision went blurry, as tears started to form, 'I broke that family up, that little girls parents aren't together because of me,' she thought to herself.

During their interaction before the end of the shift, Andy had noticed he didn't wear a ring. She assumed the two had gotten a divorce.

"Mami." Andy quickly pulled herself together. She was with her son she had to put down any feelings she felt.

"Mami, can I go say hi??" She took a deep breath. He's his dad. If he wants to go talk to him now, it might be better when she tells him.

"Okay, but let's clean you up quickly." Andy laughed whilst walking to his side of the table and wiping his mouth and hands.

Whilst Andy was cleaning zay up, someone came to the table and took the ice cream and soda that Andy was drinking, leaving one less thing to think about.

Andy picks up zayden and sits him on her hip.

She takes a deep breath before walking over to Robert and his daughter.

A few seconds before they reach th duo, Andy puts zay down, and he goes running over to him.

He looks up to Robert and puls on his hand to gain his attention.

Robert looks down towards zayden, sounded to say the lest.

"Hello, sir, I'm Zayden Herrera, I think you work with my mommy." He put his hand out, Robert chuckles, he leans down to his height.

"Well, hello, Mr Herrera, it is lovely to meet you, I'm Robert sulivan." He says whilst shaking the five year old hand.

Andy finally makes it over to them.

"Who's that?" Zay asks, pointing towards the girl slightly hiding behind her dad.

Robert turns to his daughter and sends her a comforting smile before moving her in front of himself.

"Hi, I'm Sophia Claire Sulivan." Her voice had a hint of nerve lacing each letter.

Andy placed a hand on zaydens shoulder.

"I have a middle name too, it's Robert, hey, mister. I have your name as my middle name." Robert looks up at Andy, her face tints with a shade of red.

"¿Zayden puede hablar español?" He asks Andy whilst standing up, the kids start a conversation between themselves.
(Can zayden speak Spanish?)

Andy shakes her head, "Solo Las palabras simples." She managed to get out, and her throat had gone dry, which made her words sound scratchy.
(Only the simple words)

"¿le diste mi nombre?" He asked a slight tilt to his head.
(You gave him my name)

"¿incluso después de lo que pasó?" She nods.
(Even after what happend?)

"Sí, es de lo que siempre hablabas" tears build up in their eyes, the same memory flashing infront of their eyes.


A storm was going on outside. It was a Friday night, and Robert was staying over at Andys, as he was usually done every Friday night for the past few months.

The two were laughing and talking about the future.

"Seriously though, Zayden, that's a cute name." The couple had nmbe laughing about random names they 'liked' just to see what the other person would say.

However, now they were saying names they actually liked.

"I love that name." Robert replied, placing a kiss onto Andys temple.

"What about you?" She asked, looking into Robert's slightly darker brown eyes.

"Okay, you promise you won't laugh." She nods.

"Well, I allways wanted my son to have my name, not as a first name but as a middle name, to show him that I love him and would do anything for him, it sounds Clichè but..."and placed a kiss onto his lips halfway through his sentence.

Once she pulled away, she held his face in her delicate hand.

"That's bit Clichè, Robert." Is all she said before he placed another kiss on her lips.

|end of flashback|

"Dad?" Sophias voice brings the two out of the memory the two had shared.

"I told zayden all about how we saw mommy's grave before we came her, and he told me he's never met his dad." The two had smiles on their faces, the exact same smile as Robert.

Andys face dropped as she turned towards him.

"Your wife passed?" He nodded.

"Yeah, 7 years." Andys heart dropped.

"So, uhm, you weren't.." He cuts her off.

"No, I wasn't married when we met. I was a widowed single dad, too ashamed to tell you the truth." His voice broke.

"Ribert, I'm so sorry. When that woman told me, she never, oh my god." Andy started to freak out.

"I should have talked to you, I shouldn't have screamed at you. I should have." He placed his hands on her arms.

"Andrea, you did nothing wrong, we can talk about this when there isn't little ears around to hear us." She looks towards the kids, who had confused and worried looks on their faces.

"I'm free Thursday, Zayden is with my dad. If you can get someone to look after sophia, we could talk then." He moves his hands off Andys arms before replying.

"I'm sure Ripley would be able to look after her on Thursday." And just like that, the two went their separate ways with their children's hands in their palms, both feeling a tingle of regret.


Well, that's a new chapter done, I really hoped you like this.

I'm really looking forward to writing the next one.

I'll see you there.

Bye my loves


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