chapter 2

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She ran so fast that she almost slipped on the newly mopped floor.

She kept running until she made it to the bathroom. She locked the door and slid down it.

She covers her face with her hands, trying to pull herself together.

Her new boss is the guy she fell in love with, and he ultimately ripened her heart out.

She loved him so much, but now, looking back, she wasn't certain he felt the same.

She used to think about him, and her heart would flutter. She used to say 3 words almost any time she saw him, but now the only three words she can think about are:

'I hate him'

But then again, somewhere in her heart, she knew that wasn't true. She couldn't hate the man who gave her her world, but she could hate the man who made her a part of an affair.

She takes a deep breath, and tears stream down her face, leaving mascara stains on her face.

A knock on the door made her jump slightly.

"Andy, it's me, an you please let me in, I promise no one else is with me." After a few moments, she stood up and opened the door.

As soon as Vic saw her, she engulfed her into a hug, holding her close whilst andyvlet it all out.

Andy told Vic everything that had happened, names and everything.

So Vic didn't need to ask her what's wrong. All she did was hold her close.

"He's here Vic, he's here, and my son is a 5 minute drive away." Her tears mumbled her words, making them less audible.

"Shh, Andy, trust me, you're working yourself uo over nothing, Zayden will be fine." She says whilst rocking Andy back and forth.


Ribert and Ben are currently in a stare off, and lucas just stood confused by what has just happened.

"Sulivan, a word in the office." Ripley says, and the two walk of to the office.

Lucase closes the door and blinds.

He turns to face him.

"Robert sulivan, we've been best friends since middle school, now why the fuck is your lieutenant just ran off crying?" Robert got visabially upset.

He ran a hand over his face.

"I fucked up Luke." He squinted his eyes.

"Herrera, Andrea, she and me had a thing, a thing right after Claire, after Claire died, it was great fun, but then we'll, her sister found out and made me cut contact with her completely and told Andrea that I was married, she was gone before I could explain myself." Luke walked uo to him.

"So what your saying is that Phoebe seriously hates your guts still?" He chuckled.

Robert gave him a stern look.

"Look just talk to her, clear things uo with her." He shakes his head.

"By the looks of it she wants nothing ti di with me." In all fairness ribert wasn't wrong.

Andy didn't want anything to do with him.

In fact, the last thing she wanted was for him to ever see his son.

She knew it was wrong, but she thought it would be easier for zay to never know who he was.


After an hour, Andy had calmed down and washed her face.

"I'll just ignore him and only talk to him about work stuff." She says whilst Vic looks at here through the mirror.

"Now go show him who's boss." Vic says whilst the two walk town the stairs.

The team is all in the barn, getting introduced to Robert.

When Andy and Vic walk in, Robert stops talking to look over at them. He looks for a moment and remembers the reasons he fell for her.

Then instantly is reminded that he broke her heart twice.

His face changes from his stone cold look to a sifter and sympathetic one before looking back to the crew and continuing talking.

Andy and Vic join the end of the line, Andy looks down at her newly polished work shoes.

At this moment, all she wants to do is go home and wrap her son in a hug, holding him till the two fall asleep.

After 20 minutes, ribert stops taking, and as he's about to relise them, he turns to Andy.

"Herrera, a word." Andy is instantly annoyed. If he's going to use his authority to talk to Andy, then she might as well quit.

Once the team left the barn. The two are left looking at eachother. A few meters between them.

Robert takes a step closer.

"An-" She cuts him off "Respctfully, captian sulivan unless this has anything ti do with work, I will have to go." He takes a moment to think about what to say.

"Herrera, if me being your superior is going to be hard for you I will understand and go start to Ripley and get myself transferred, if not you will listen and respect me, if not as a person, respect me as your Captin." She nods.

"No I don't have a problem, sir." She looks at her hands and start playing with her bracelet.

The bracket has 'ZSH - 04/09' zaydenes initials and birthdate.

Robert looks down at the bracelet.

"Herrera, you'll have to give me that bracelet till the end of the shift. It's strictly prohibited." She looks up at him.

"You've already taken enough, Sir, I'll put it in my bag." She mutters. She simply turns around and heads for the lockers.

The job she loves has now become something she doesn't think she'll ever get the same kick from.

Not with him here.

And what makes it worse is that Andy still loves him, but she can't, not after what he did.


Soooo what we think??

I am really excited to see how it goes, I know I've tried to post quite a few minutes the past, but this I'm very delited to have come up with it.

Anywho, see ya in the next one

By my loves <333

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