Chapter Six: Labyrinth

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Gyra landed on the clearing Sasame informed him about. He looked around at the twilight bathing the trees and rocks and paused in confusion. There was supposed to be a base there, as Sasame had told him that the enemy team was setting up there. Gyra clutched his sword tightly as his eyes darted back and forth. Something wasn't right. Gyra searched around for several minutes as everyone else from the attack party including two other Li-Nin joined up with him.

"Is this not the right place?" One of the other students asked as she walked up behind Gyra and examined the forest surrounding them.

"Sasame said it was."

"Maybe she's finally lost it..." The third student joked as he tapped his sword against the earth.

"Excuse me?" Gyra spun around as his fiery orange hair flared in the twilight of the rising sun. The boy stepped back in fear as a faint orange glow surrounded the intimidating teenager.

"She's just..."

"She's just, what? Crazy? Psycho? What? What do you think of her?" Gyra slowly stepped to the student as his fists clenched. The boy stumbled as he tripped backward.

"I don't think..."

"SPIT IT OUT!" Gyra boomed as the birds flew from the trees in droves.

"They say she killed someone..."

"And?! You know nothing of what she has gone through. Rumors are dangerous..." Gyra's irises flashed orange as the image of a bulking, scarred, and sadistic monster emanated from him. "I'd suggest you pick your words more carefully."

"Damn, alright!"

Gyra turned back to the clearing as his muscles bulged. The female student looked on in fear as Gyra slammed his fist into the ground, shattering it as he undid whatever stability the ceiling of the underground base had. The other students nearly fell into the tunnels as Gyra used Earth-form to undo the ceiling. He fell to the ground as he focused all of his power on lifting the rocks out of the holes and hurtling them away.

The others jumped into the tunnels as Gyra slowly paced down the empty hallway ahead of them, taking point. He snapped his head around to hear the sound of rock grinding against itself as Gyra was suddenly trapped from all sides. The ceiling and walls closed as Gyra noticed they were closing on him.

"Fine." Gyra thrust his sword into the wall and kicked the wall, shattering it as he used Wind-form to create a hyper-sharp edge to his sword. He effortlessly cut down the rapidly moving walls of Earth-form created by Guy deep underground as Gyra began to feel claustrophobic. He might have been able to break down the walls, but they came back twice as fast.


Gyra channeled Earth-form into his feet as he burrowed deep into the base, knowing that if he left now he'd waste more time trying to get back in. He grunted and sweated as he felt his Reiki exit his body. It was uncomfortable, no, painful for Gyra to do this, but he had a job to do. Besides, the pain was power.

Found you...

Gyra heard the bickering of Guy and Kazuku under the earth as he blasted out of the walls and into where he thought the chamber was, meeting only more earth. Meanwhile, Guy was waving his hands around like a crazed lunatic to move himself and Kazuku through the ground as he transported the entire chamber through the dirt and rock.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!" Kazuku yelled as he was thrashed about in the confines of the chamber. Kazuku held his feet to the ground by slightly lowering them into the earth using Earth-form.

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