Chapter Fifteen: Coins

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Tiomoyo stepped into the bus heading to downtown Koshizuka, where the duels would take place in a massive arena lined with tens of thousands of people. The duels were a good show for the people, and most E-Ninjas that weren't on missions would be present there.

Beside him was Gyra, who had decided to meet up with him before the duels. Something about him was off, however. He was quiet, even more so than usual, and he was constantly zoning out. Something was on his mind, but Tiomoyo couldn't identify what. As the two sat down next to each other at the back of the bus, Gyra produced a small Rikunian coin from his pocket. The Rikunian economic system was based on the US dollar, so an outsider could consider this coin a half-dollar in equivalence. He examined it carefully, but there was zero emotion on his face.



"You good?"

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Tiomoyo's eyebrows lifted. "You look like you're planning on killing someone."

Gyra smirked. "Oh? Am I really that intimidating to you?"

Tiomoyo blew hair out of his face and chuckled. "Well, you have been for a while, but for this moment, yes."

"I see." Gyra hid his smile and continued to rub his calloused fingers across the metal coin. "I've always appreciated the art they put on these pieces of metal. The intricate molding is exquisite."

"You sure love using those big words to make yourself seem smarter."

"I am smarter, though. I simply enjoy talking this way. And you? Don't act as if you're above speaking intelligently."

Tiomoyo sat back in his seat and looked out the window at the passing cars. "You know, Gyra, you're very arrogant."

"Am I? Heh. There's a difference between arrogance and the knowledge of your capabilities."

The bus came to an abrupt stop in front of the reserved entrance for students at the arena. The best friends stepped outside onto the tarmac and walked inside as the sound of rowdy crowds echoed through the locker rooms. Gyra changed into his training uniform, and Tiomoyo changed into his.

"Your duel is one of the first, right?" Tiomoyo asked as he attached his dull, Academy-provided katana to his back. All contenders had filled out a form detailing what their preferred weapon was.


"Well, then. I'll finish gathering my things, you should go get ready to fight."

"I doubt it will be much of a fight."

"You could be matched up against Kiki, so don't be too cocky," Tiomoyo warned. Gyra threw his arms into the air as a devilish smile appeared on his face.

"We'll see, won't we? Good luck." Gyra stepped out into the arena, to the contenders' box.

Tiomoyo was left alone in the dim locker room. The sound of approaching footsteps piqued his attention, and he darted his eyes to the source. Two figures were standing in the doorway.

Guy Akama and Niwiki Iseka walked from the shadows, smiles across their faces. They were ready to fight, too, especially Niwiki. Tiomoyo had never seen him so enthusiastic.

"Tiomoyo! How was training?"

Tiomoyo smiled and chuckled to himself as Guy approached him. "Would you believe me if I said I threw a master through several trees?"

Guy's eyes widened. "You... You did that?"

Tiomoyo's silence was the perfect acknowledgment of Guy's question. Niwiki flanked Tiomoyo and stood still, awaiting a prompt to talk from his more socially adept friend.

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