Chapter Seventeen: The First Duel

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Kiki returned Tiomoyo's gaze and sighed. "I... Hey, you can always forfeit. It's not shameful to back out of this, look, I won't-"

"No." Tiomoyo swallowed his fear and replaced it with determination.

"Would the fighters please make their way to the arena!" The announcer beckoned.

"No, I mean really, I don't want to hurt you-"

"I'm fighting you, here and now." Tiomoyo swiveled around to face a shocked Kiki. "I'm not backing down."

"I can't hold back, though. Not when my father is watching. You will lose."

"Oh, yeah?" Tiomoyo stepped out of the box ahead of Kiki. "Try me." Kiki sighed, a worried look on her face. Tiomoyo looked over his shoulder. "I don't want you to hold back at all. Give me everything you've got, princess."

Kiki's worry was replaced by determination and acute irritation. She smiled. "You're on."

The two stepped onto the battlefield. Time seemed to stand still as audience members cheered for the fight of the night, or evening in this case. The sun was beginning to get low, and a soft orange light bathed the two fighters as they stood forty paces from each other. The wind flew through their hair as they locked eyes. This fight was the genesis of everything further between them. Today would be the day that decided their fight.

Meanwhile, Sasame and the rest of their combined friend groups– minus Niwiki– sat together in the stands with bated breath. Sasame in particular was practically leaning off of her seat, her eyes fixated on the scene below. Her hands trembled and her muscles tightened as she saw Tiomoyo face down the most powerful student in The Academy.

"What's wrong?" Guy asked as he leaned over. "You look terrified."

"I am." Sasame clenched her fists. "I'm scared... He's strong, but... I just..." Sasame's lip quivered as she shook her head in frustration at her lack of clarity, externally and internally. "I just don't want him to get hurt. Kiki is a good person, but she's just... On another level."

"Have you no faith in him?" Gyra boomed from the left. He shook his head as his eyes narrowed. "That guy has trained relentlessly for half a month, on top of the fact he has been taught direct counters to the Akimicha's techniques. Do you really doubt him that much?"

Sasame lowered her head. "I... You don't understand. I know how strong both of them are. No one can ever approach her level, not someone 'normal' like Tiomoyo. He is the best swordsman I know, but some people are just born..."

"Better." Gyra seethed. "I think you'll soon find that isn't always true."

Sasame nodded. She could tell that she had thoroughly ticked Gyra off by the scowl painted across his face. "You know what I mean."

"I know all too well." Gyra sank back. "Shall we watch?"

Sasame worriedly nodded as the rest of their acquired friend group looked on in fear and anticipation.

In the booth holding the masters, Raja was practically leaning out of his seat. A worried expression sat on his lips. The odds of the worst possible matchup for Raja's student were incredibly slim, and yet it had still come to pass, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The act of preparing for the worst-case scenario of fighting Kiki Akimicha had led Raja to train Tiomoyo in ways to defend himself against her, and it was as if this was the reason behind the match ahead.

"What's wrong?" Funi asked as she leaned over. Her dark blue hair blended in with the shadows of the booth as the evening light bathed her irises in a warm glow. "Are you worried?"

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