Chapter 1: Tribulation

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The world once filled with abundance of life was turned into a hellish landscape. Bodies hanging to the trees, some are pierced like a sword deep within its flesh.

The earth was turned into a scorching ball of fire.

Far on the mountains, a woman is seen crying on her knees. Her eyes flooding with tears, she speaks on a tone full of sorrows.

"Why am i so weak?!! Why. Why. WHY?!"

As she screams at the top of her lungs, her eyes widen, her blood gone cold, her body shakes uncontrollably as she saw an endless wave of infantry armed to the teeth with weapons and armor beyond comprehension.

A weapon of mass destruction that embodies death and the fall of countless civilization. Their weapons released beams of light faster than a human eye can perceive. An armor compact in a hundred steel.

As they march like a swarm of ants toward the terrain of mountains, they were accompanied by a beast.

It's feet like an elephant, it's head like a pig with a fang of a wild boar. Every step it takes, the ground quakes, leaving craters over towering mountains like a pile of dirt beneath it.

At its back, it carries a machine like artillery; it transgressed the very concept of limits and advancement and the pinnacle of creation.

As she witnessed all this she laughs seemingly losing her mind.

"I guess this is it..."

Before she lost her sanity, two unknown individuals approaches her.

"Your not alone, we will fight alongside you."

She smiles and raises her sword and goes in a fighting stance gripping her weapon tightly.


As she swings her sword everything goes black. The scene changes into a lush forest with a butterfly flying through the dense jungle.

"For how long peace will last? Eternal peace cannot be achieved, it's a concept of desperation and the lost of hope."

As the butterflies continue to fly he was chopped off by an axe. And that man was... Leonard

He continues to hit the tree with his axe, sweat coming down at his head, his muscle clenched. Then his manager who is a self hypocrite came walking towards them

"Hey! You Indios! Work faster! The moniyan empire have requested 5,678 log's, you all would only have 3 days to accomplish the task or no paycheck!"

Indios-Its definition originate from the Spanish colonization in the Philippines in the 18th century, it refers to the people that are pure Filipino blood. At the age of just 7 years old they we're force to undergo in hard labour. Leonard's friend Haibara curse in deep anger.

"The f*ck, how is that even possible? They only pay us 5 silver's how is that supposed to motivate us if they pay us lower than what they should???"

He even jokingly said that he'll kick his manager ass if he never worked here.

"My friend, calm yourself down violence isn't the solution through a narrow path, If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."(Matthew 5-38-14)

Haibara scoffed

"You know, your such an sympathetic guy ya know? I'm just saying, people would used your kindness as an advantage to get your trust and stab you from the back."

Leonard replies with a bright smile

"Forgiving isn't an obligation, but because you deserve peace."

Haibara sigh's and rolled his eyes


Then he goes back to work. After rigorous hours of work they decide to head home and say there goodbyes to eachother.

When Leonard returned home, as soon he opens the door, his son Okkutsu came rushing towards him hugging him tightly.

"Papa!" He snuggles to Leonard

Leonard smile's affectionately stroking his son's hair.

"Good boy~"

"Papa, did you buy me the gundam i requested you in my birthday?"

Leonard looks down for a moment and looks at his son.

"Sorry son, b-but don't worry! I'll buy you a new toy next time," Okkutsu looks saddened

"But papa! I saw my classmate have toy's worth more than that, why they can have it but i don't?" Leonard's smiles and puts his hand at his cheek.

"Son, you know daddy loves you, i would give everything in this world for you, just to see your smile," Okkutsu smile's and hugged him tightly.

"Your the best papa!"

Amidst of there heartwarming moment, her wife Uraume is watching them smiling. She walk towards Leonard. When Leonard saw her, he smiles kissing her.

"How is your day my love?~" Leonard spoke in a tone full of assurance.

"Yes, everything is just fine. He whispers Don't forget my reward~," She bites her underlip and says in a seductive tone.

"Oh yeah about that~ giggles We might discuss that, where it's secluded and dark~" Okkutsu scratches her head

"Mama, papa what are you talking about?" Leonard and Uraume face turns red

Leonard/Uraume: "N-nothing!"

"Oh the food is getting cold!" All of them sitted at the table, and a little girl carrying a sheet of paper came walking towards Leonard. Her name is Riko

"Papa, she showed him her sketch of his family holding hands at a plains of grass. Do you like it?~"

Leonard smile's, and looks at the drawing. He complement her work.

"Really?! You like it? She hugged him."

"I could've ask more of this, you all are worth everything i have. Without you, i am nothing," They all share laughter, stories, this family is just perfect... There bond is unbreakable like a chain made from there pure love, this is the peak of happiness.

As they savour this moment, Riko sketch fall down into the abyss, it's started... Burning? It slowly fades away, like a mere memory of it's existence, but the only person that didn't got burned in the picture is... Leonard

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