Chapter 8: Cataclysmic trigger

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The next day dawned bright and clear, casting a golden hue over the temple grounds as Leonard and Saburo prepared for their training. As they made their way to the designated area, Leonard couldn't help but notice the stones scattered across the ground, their smooth surfaces gleaming in the morning sunlight.

As Leonard surveyed the stones scattered across the ground, a puzzled expression crossed his face. "What are we supposed to do with these stones?" he mused aloud, scratching his head in confusion. "Are we playing dodgeball or something?"

Saburo chuckled at Leonard's jest, a twinkle of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Not quite," he replied, a hint of mischief in his tone. "These stones are part of a training exercise-a test of focus, agility, and precision."

"We call it Zhu She Gong you will kick this rock with your bare foot, it strengthen the force of your strikes, it's simple and the same time complicated. You will start off to this small then bigger ones like those over there." Saburo points to the boulder at the distance. Leonard said to himself "Is this a training or an execution."

"There's a saying that you can throw off an opponent as far as the ones that trained with." Saburo smile's "I wonder if that same applies to you."

With a determined nod, Leonard squared his shoulders, steeling himself for the task ahead. Though the challenge may be daunting, he knew that with Saburo's guidance and support, he was more than capable of rising to the occasion. And as he prepared to unleash his strikes upon the unforgiving stone, Leonard felt a sense of determination burn within him-a determination to prove himself worthy of the training and the trust that had been bestowed upon him.

When Leonard delivered his strike to the stone, a sharp pain shot through his foot, causing him to bite down on his lower lip in agony. With a cry of pain, he stumbled backward, hopping around and collapsing to the ground.

"Aaah, sh*t, aaahh, it hurts," Leonard groaned, his voice strained with discomfort.

Saburo approached Leonard with a calm demeanor, his expression unchanged by his student's outburst. "You'll get used to it sooner or later," he reassured, his voice steady. "Shaolin trains the body to surpass and traverse pain. Our bodies may be torn, but our spirit is unbreakable."

Leonard shot Saburo a skeptical look, his lips curling into a wry smile. "Whatever you say, old man," he replied, his tone tinged with a mixture of humor and defiance.

Leonard slowly rose to his feet, the pain still throbbing in his foot, he knew that the path to mastery would be paved with challenges and discomfort. But with Saburo by his side, guiding him with wisdom and patience, he was determined to push through the pain and emerge stronger on the other side.

He stood up, a sense of determination burning within him, he wasted no time in springing into action. With a swift motion, he hoisted the log onto his back, its weight pressing against his shoulders as he prepared to tackle the next phase of his training.

With resolve ablaze, Leonard rose from the earth-a phoenix of determination. The log, gnarled and heavy, found a new home upon his shoulders. Its weight pressed against sinew and bone, a silent challenge.

No hesitation lingered. Leonard's breaths were a rhythm-a cadence of purpose. He sprang into motion, the log an extension of his will. The temple grounds blurred-a tapestry of greens and browns-as he surged toward the mountain's base.

Leonard ran towards the mountain hill with a log strapped to his back, he couldn't help but feel the strain of exertion coursing through his muscles. But just as fatigue threatened to overwhelm him, a familiar voice taunted him from behind.

"Tired already?" Saburo's voice rang out, laced with amusement and challenge.

Leonard turned to see Saburo effortlessly carrying six stacks of logs with a single hand, his expression calm and composed despite having run for hours without rest. The sight left Leonard speechless, his eyes wide with disbelief.

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