Chapter 1 - Application

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Two high school students, one male and one female, walked along the sidewalk together. The cherry blossom season had just ended, a few stubborn petals still floating on the breeze.

"Shou, we've known each other for over ten years now," the girl said solemnly. "I need to ask you for a slightly awkward favour."

The boy's brows furrowed, bewildered. "Minato... Considering your personality, I dread what you might consider 'slightly awkward.'"

Minato ignored the jab. "I need you to get me an application form from Hyoujou-san."

Shou blinked a few times. "Are you just curious about it, or are you actually applying?"

Mai Hyoujou was one of the most beautiful girls within their year. She had no shortage of admirers and not a day had gone by without at least one person confessing to her.

However, she had a strange quirk. Rather than accepting or refusing right away, she provided them with an application form to fill out. Only after reviewing it would she come to a decision. When asked about it, she said she didn't want to date anyone she didn't know, but that it'd be too much of a bother to investigate everyone herself.

"I'm applying, of course!"

Shou sighed and placed his hand on her head. "Well. All I can say is, good luck. You've certainly set your sights high."

Minato beamed. "You've gotta go for your favourite before it goes out of stock, right?"

"I don't think you should view people the same way as clear files."

Minato stuck out her tongue.

The next morning, Shou lingered around the school entrance. He played on his phone, occasionally glancing up at the students walking past.

After several minutes, he spotted Mai. She walked alone, her expression neutral bordering on cold. That, combined with her beautiful facial features, gave her the aura of a transcendent fairy uninterested in the mortal world. She had long, straight black hair and sideswept bangs. Compared to other girls her age, she was a bit taller and a bit slimmer.

Shou wondered what about her had captured Minato's attention as he stepped towards her and rose a hand in greeting. "Good morning, Hyoujou-san. Could I have an application?"


Mai nodded and pulled her bag in front of her. She opened it and brought out a stack of a dozen papers. She peeled one off and handed it over.

"Thanks," Shou said, accepting it. "Enjoy your day."

"You too."

Mai tilted her head slightly as she watched Shou leave. "He's a lot calmer than everyone else who asked. He didn't even bother explaining himself. Hmm."

Shou strode into his homeroom and slid the application form across the desk to Minato. "Here you go."

Minato's face lit up. She slipped it into one of her books for safekeeping. "Thanks, Shou!"

He took another look at her. She kept her hair neatly trimmed around her shoulders, a teal clip pinning her bangs to the side. Her small face and youthful skin gave her a cute appearance, a bit like a doll. If she wasn't so strange, she'd surely have some fans of her own.

Shou preferred girls like Minato to ones like Mai. Though, being childhood friends and knowing her well had cooled any potential romantic feelings. He even felt a little bad for Mai.

When Minato got home, she immediately went to her room and brought out the application, humming with excitement. She grabbed a pen and got to work.

The first section was for basic information. Name, birth date, class, height, weight, and last year's grades.

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