Chapter 6 - Nights Together

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The girls' lips met. Neither of them had any experience and could only follow what they'd read online or seen in media. Their lips cautiously pressed together repeatedly, their heads tilting slightly to find the best angle.

Minato had somewhat expected Mai to push her away after a few seconds, but that didn't happen. Did Mai like it? Or did she just want to gather as much information as possible?

In reality, Mai had no idea. She'd never kissed anyone, male or female, so had no point of reference. Overall, she leaned towards liking it. Minato had soft lips. The scent of her strawberry shampoo surrounded Mai. Now and then, she'd get hints of Minato's minty toothpaste, which wasn't exactly pleasant but was better than most alternative flavours.

Minato pulled away for a moment, looking into Mai's eyes. "Can I... be a bit more intense?"

"Don't ask for permission," Mai replied. "Just try things and stop if I try to stop you. It's more exciting that way."

Minato smiled. That meant Mai didn't hate it, at least. She placed a hand on Mai's shoulder and kissed her again, then pushed her down onto the tatami floor. She ran her other hand along Mai's arm and weaved their fingers together.

Mai's heartbeat quickened. Being pushed down stirred something within her. She already knew she had that tendency. It didn't surprise her too much, but feeling that way when it was a girl pushing her down was a good sign.

It also amused Minato, whose hand at Mai's neck could feel the change.

After a few more minutes, Minato broke away from Mai's lips, then lowered down a bit. She bit Mai's neck.

Mai hummed and squirmed slightly. She held Minato's head with her free hand. "Don't leave marks."

Minato sat up and giggled. "Yeah, that'd be bad."

Minato stared down at Mai with an utterly blissful expression. She'd kissed Mai! And Mai seemed to like it! She'd kissed Mai a lot, even!

Mai gulped. From her position on the floor, the night sky spread behind Minato. The girl backed by the moon and stars was quite beautiful, and Minato's expression and posture pushed her from her usual "cute" self to "alluring."

"My turn," Mai said.

She swept Minato to the side, rolling with the girl. Minato ended up on the floor with Mai on top of her. Mai took the initiative and kissed Minato.

Minato naturally wouldn't complain. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms happily around Mai's back.

For a few minutes, Mai evaluated how she felt being the one top. As expected, she preferred being on the bottom.

She pulled away and ruffled Minato's bangs before getting off the girl. "Let's get ready for bed."

Minato giggled at Mai's flushed face and pushed herself to her feet, following Mai.

The two took out the futons and spread them over the floor. Minato thought for a moment, then pushed hers towards Mai's until they touched. Mai didn't say anything about it.

Mai went through a series of stretches. Minato sat on her futon and watched shamelessly.

"What are you thinking about?" Mai asked.

"Mm, well, a third of my brainpower is reserved for suppressing my urge to attack you," Minato replied, smiling. "Then I'm wondering if I should copy your stretches. And I'm wondering how we'll sleep."

"You can follow if you want. How do you want to attack me?"

"Yukatas are dangerous," Minato said seriously. "Just looking at it makes me want to pull it apart and suck on your chest."

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