Chapter 10 - Cross-Examination

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Mai led Minato to her house. It was the first time Minato was visiting. They almost always hung out outside, with Mai sometimes visiting Minato but never the other way around. Minato hadn't questioned it.

"Let's go to the garden first," Mai decided, leading Minato around the building.

"You have a garden?" Minato asked, amazed.


As they walked, Mai said, "I think my father is your ally. But, it might be hard to convince my mother."

"My... ally?"

"In terms of approving us dating."

"Ah, you told them?"

Mai nodded. "If they approve... some things will become much easier."

"Like what?"

Mai reached over and ran her fingertips along Minato's back. "They might decide to go on a trip and leave me alone... Or look the other way when you visit..."

Minato stepped closer and wrapped her arm around Mai's waist. "Certainly easier than getting caught by a typhoon again."

Mai's hand rose and stroked Minato's hair. "You don't seem pressured."

"Well, when you follow this path, you kinda have to accept that friends and family might not approve, right? If I can't do anything I can't do anything. I'll just be me and see what happens."

"Mm, okay. Good luck."

Minato glanced up at Mai's face. "Hey. Do you like me?"

"Huh?" Mai blinked. "Why would you ask that?"

"I mean, you started dating me to figure out how you felt about dating a girl, right? Obviously you know you like it now, but it's hard to know if you're just going through the motions like a contract for this year or if you actually like and enjoy me specifically."

Mai stared at Minato, incredulous. "You think I dislike you after all we've done?"

"Well, you never said you like me. I don't know how much of it is an act."

"Really?" Mai furrowed her brow and reviewed her interactions with Minato. Eventually, she shook her head and sighed. "Sorry. I don't think any of it is an act. I do actually like you. I like you a lot, in fact."

"Ah, really?!" Minato beamed and skipped to the front of Mai. "That's amazing! I like you a lot, too! Hehe, this gives me a lot more confidence."

Mai smiled and rubbed Minato's head. "I'll try to say it more."

"I'd like that!"

Seeing Minato's sparkling face, Mai couldn't resist leaning in and kissing her.

"Quite lovey-dovey," Mai's father said, watching from the second floor.

"Mm." Mai's mother crossed her arms. "Neither of them is on guard at all. How long have they been dating?"

"About four months, I think."

"Hmm." She moved away from the window. "I've seen enough. I'll prepare for the interview."

"With how happy they look, is it really necessary?"

"Of course. She's my only daughter."

Shortly after, Minato and Mai's mother sat on either side of a desk, just the two of them in the room. Mai stood outside, leaning against the wall, a slightly worried expression on her face.

Mai's mother scrutinized Minato. The girl remained calm. She even seemed somewhat curious. She showed no signs of nervousness, apprehension, or embarrassment.

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