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Yui ran up to her mother Asuna and showed her the flowers she picked.

"Look mommy ones for you and the other one is for daddy" Yui smiled as she handed her mother the flower.

"It's beautiful Yui" Asuna smiled as she looked at the sun flower in her hands then Hugged Yui.

"How about you go inside and show daddy his" Asuna let go and opened the door for Yui to head inside.

Yui hopped inside and headed to the living room where everyone was at.

"Alice welcome to ALO this is me and Asuna cabin-" Kirito was introducing Alice to the place but what cut off.

"Why can't you make me a new sword!" Klein said getting annoyed

"Because you always bring the material super late causing me to have to put other customers orders on hold" Liz sighed as she been arguing with Klein for awhile and starting to give her a i n game headache.

Yui called out for Kirito but Klein and Liz bickering was getting louder drowning out Yui voice. Seeing that her voice was not reaching Kirito Yui walked behind him and was about to tap him when Klein got send flying into Kirito pushing him back and making him bump into Yui who drop her Flower on the floor.

As the flower hit the floor the health drop making it glow blue and breaking into little crystals that slowly faded away.

Yui was shocked and sad as a frown started to form on her face as she looked down at the flower.

"Come on Alice let me show you outside" Leafa said as she grabbed Alice and dragged her to the door.

Kirito feeling that he bump into to someone was about to turn around till Alice grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

As the door closed Yui was the only left in the house still looking down at where the flower was once was.

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