(7)just a AI

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Asuna looked around as she spawned in her cabin she had a smile on her face because she finally able to spend time with Yui she been busy with school work to log on but today she was planning the whole day to grind levels with her daughter.

She made her way to the living room and saw her daughter laying on the couch.

"Yui mo-" Asuna stopped when she noticed Yui didn't looked like her happy self she looked as if she been crying her eyes out.

"Yui what's wrong" Asuna said hugging her daughter

"Where is daddy?"

"He really-"

"Let me guess he busy again" Yui said pushing away

"He always busy I haven't seen him in weeks, mom you said that he misses me but it don't feel like it, I been waiting and waiting.."Tears started to fall as Yui backed up

"Yui i- I-"Asuna couldn't find words as her tears came falling down.

"Maybe I was a mistake, you guys have a life in the real world im just a AI in a VR game, I- I- wanted to be with you guys" Yui cried as hit the log out button disappearing infront of Asuna.

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