(14)i love you

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Asuna questioned why Kirito would invite her to his house out of the blue but she didn't mind it she love spending time with him. And now since they got Yui back everything felt back to normal.

She knocked on the door and was greeted by Kazuto who had a smile on his face.

"Close your eyes"


"Just trust me" Kazuto said as he walked behind her and place his hands over her eyes

"Okay but if I fall I'm slap you"

"Okay" Kazuto laughed as he guide his girlfriend to the living room


"As ready as I'll ever be"

"3, 2 , 1" Kazuto moved his hands and Asuna saw Yui infront of her smiling

Asuna didn't even speak she just hugged her daughter and smiles


Kazuto smiled at the sights and walked up and hug both of them.

"No matter here or VR we are a family and I'll always love both of you. In any world I'll always love you guys."

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