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Kazuto looked at the time and saw that it was 1:00am. He didn't felt tired, he been staring at the wall for about a hour now. Deciding not to waste time just laying there he hopped on ALO.

He wasn't expecting anything he was just going to level grind since most people would be asleep around this time and he can get his mind off things. But his mods changed when he saw his Daughter sitting on the grass out side their house.


Yui felt her whole body shake as she slowly turned around.


Yui was met by a hug as Kirito hugged her Afraid she might leave if he let go.

"I missed you so much don't leave us ever again" Kirito said as tears started to make his way down his cheek.

" I thought you forgot about me"

" I never ever did even in the real world I didn't you Asuna the most important people in my life never think otherwise. I'm a terrible father for not coming here to visit you but I want to show you something" Kirito pulled back and out yui on his lap as he opened his menu and showed her a pic

"Is that-" Yui was shocked

"Yes the same thing they used for Alice to be in the real world I got one just for you that's why I haven't been on" Kirito said as he smiled

"So I can be with you guys in the real world to" Yui said as happy tears now started to come down

"Yes together always like a family."

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